Chapter 4

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Clara was in the middle of a conference call when her phone began to ring, the caller ID showing Namsoo's mom. She sent the call to voicemail thinking she would catch up with her later in the day. But when she called again, not just two but three times, Clara eventually politely told her colleagues she needed a moment and answered the call.

"I'm so glad you answered! Namjoon was in a bicycling accident and he is in the hospital.  We are getting ready to come to Seoul, but you are much closer than we are. Can you please go to the hospital to be with him and we'll be there as soon as we can?"

Clara froze, mind going numb. Namjoon? In a bicycling accident? She had already lost Namsoo to a bicycling accident, could this really be happening again?

Clara tore out of the house, frantically running to the street and hailing a cab. Shouting the name of the hospital she asked the driver to go as fast as possible. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. Why was there so much traffic? And could we hit any more red lights? She was terrified that Namjoon would be seriously injured, or worse yet dead. How could life be so unfair?

Pulling up to the hospital she ran to the elevators and the floor that his parents had provided. Sprinting down the hall to the room, security stopped her and asked where she was going. In English, and then in broken Korean, she frantically tried to explain that she was there to see Namjoon.  But they simply blocked the way, not allowing passage. Clara was becoming increasingly frantic, desperate to get past and starting to shout as anxiety spiked. She needed to see him, why are they stopping her? What should she do?

A bit further down the hall a head peaked out of a room and she could see one of Namjoon's members coming their way. He must have heard the commotion. Hoseok gave the security guard a brief smile, telling him that he could let her through. As the guard stepped out of the way Clara took off running, sprinting into the room with tears barely contained only to see Namjoon lying in the bed. Smirking at her arrival.

Looking around she saw several of his members and some other staff she didn't know. Namjoon held out an arm, "Come here, it's ok. I'm fine. It's just a broken arm, I'll be totally ok, I promise". She leapt into his good arm, snuggling a teary face against his chest unable to speak. Gently patting her back he shushed her, whispering that everything was ok, he was ok, and she was ok. Eventually things were calm enough to look in his eyes.

"I will never forgive you if you ever ride a bicycle again" she blurted out through tears. Laughter broke out all around, a reminder that they were in a crowded room. Wiping tears, she sat on the edge of the bed, gently holding his hand.

"I apologize that security didn't let you through, but when I heard the screeching I knew it was you, so I sent Hobi to collect you". She blushed in response, feeling a bit embarrassed both about how loud she had been, and the not very nice words she said to the security guard.

"I, uh, maybe should go and apologize. I may have told him that I was going to castrate him if he didn't let me through". Again, a round of laughter burst out around her while Namjoon assured her that everything was ok and the security guard would be just fine.

She finally felt like she could breathe again. Namjoon promised that it was just a small accident. He was clumsy and wasn't watching where he was going, rode off the bike path and fell on the ground. She could envision it all, and with a glare announced for a second time, "You are never, ever riding a bicycle again. My heart really can't handle it".

At that the doctor came in and told everyone it was time to reset the bone, so they would need to step out for a bit. Taehyung quickly walked over to the bedside, "I'll have Clara with me while you are asleep.  We'll be back before long.  Good luck Hyung." At that he turned, gently put his hand on her back, and moved to guide them both out of the room, sliding on his baseball cap and a mask as he went.

"There is a private lounge, we can wait there and have a drink, is that ok?" he turned and asked.

Clara nodded while Taehyung slipped his hand around hers to offer comfort. Tears began to well up again as everything came crashing back. Arriving in the lounge, he gave a warm hug while she pressed a teary face against his chest. Patting her back he assured her that it would be fine and began to softly hum, helping to calm the anxiety. Hearing others file in, Clara thought it best to pull away, embarrassed at such close contact with a stranger. Namjoon had shared enough about Korean society to know that this would be viewed as awkward, particularly for Taehyung. But he held close, gently swaying back and forth until he was certain she was calm.

Eventually feeling more centered, she pulled back and gave him a small smile and whispered a quiet thank you.

After guiding her to a small couch Taehyung quickly took the seat next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. He reached his other arm across to hold her hand again, a reminder that she wasn't alone in her worries. It was only a few more minutes until the doctor came and let the group know that they were done.  While Namjoon would be sleeping for a bit, two of them could return and be by his side. Clara immediately stepped forward with Taehyung offering to come with so she wouldn't be alone. Deeply thankful for his comforting, if silent presence, the two walked back down the hall together.

Namjoon was still sleeping an hour later when his parents arrived. Clara quickly stood to greet them, receiving more warm hugs and comforting words while Taehyung quietly slipped out the doorway. Namjoon's parents were equally anxious, clearly the memory of learning of Namsoo's accident was still fresh in their mind. But everyone could finally rest easy knowing this accident had a different outcome. Namjoon would be sleeping just for a few more minutes, not lost forever.

After waking up, Namjoon sheepishly apologized to his parents for his accident and worrying them so much. Knowing how stressful the day had been, he asked Clara and his parents to go home and rest, promising that he would call in the morning or if he had any difficulties. He also reminded them that security and the managers would stay close by his side. Reluctantly, the trio eventually left, his parents steering Clara to a taxi. When they offered to stay at a hotel Clara begged them to stay at the apartment, not able to bear the thought of being alone right now. Nod in agreement, the three headed back to the apartment to rest and recover from the terrible scare of the day.

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