Chapter 47

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Taehyung had been filming all day and well into the night before he had his first real break. During his quick dinner he had focused on memorizing his script, entirely consumed with doing his best so he could return home as soon as possible. Eventually getting to his phone he saw numerous calls and texts from Namjoon, his mother, and several of the managers. But what he noticed right away, even before he started to read all the notifications, was that none were from Clara.

Skipping reading the texts altogether, he called Namjoon instead. "Hey Hyung, what's happening? I have all kinds of calls and messages"

"Ah, Taehyung-ah, I'm so glad we found you. We've been trying to get in touch with you all day."

"Why? Is something wrong? Is Clara ok?"

"Well Taehyung-ah she seems to be ok now. But she was really sick earlier today. She's seen the doctor and she's improving, but she's moved to stay at the dorms with us for a bit so we can keep an eye on her. Just until you get back."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean Clara was sick?"

Namjoon proceeded to tell Taehyung the highlights, brushing over how serious it had been and focusing on how well she was recovering. "It's ok Taehyung-ah. I know you'll be home in a few days and you can see her then. In the meantime I'll keep watch over her ok?"

"Ok Hyung. But can I talk to her? I really want to talk to her myself."

"Well she's sleeping right now and I don't want to wake her up. Perhaps you can try back later?"

Taehyung sighed in frustration, "Ok, but can you at least show her to me on video? I'd really like to see her. Please Hyung."

Namjoon agreed, switching to video and drawing the camera closer to the peacefully sleeping girl. Taehyung seemed relieved to see her resting so peacefully and bid her a good rest. "Sleep well my princess. I'll see you soon."


As the night wore on the doctor seemed satisfied with Clara's progress. He told Namjoon he was going to go out to get some dinner and a few more supplies, then he would return back after several hours for one last check-in and to take out any remaining needles.

While he was gone Clara woke up absolutely shivering cold. She tried to hide further under the covers but nothing seemed to be helping. She was shaking and felt like she was hardly able to think about anything else.

After nearly ten minutes of violent shaking, Jin peaked into her open door to check on her. He could see her eyes peeking out from the covers. "Oh Clara, you're awake. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

Jin heard Clara mumbling but couldn't understand what she had said. Coming closer and bending down to eye level he inquired, "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I'm cold." Was all he heard in return.

"Ok, let me get some more blankets so you can warm up? And do you maybe want to put on warmer clothes?"

"Don't want to come out from the covers"

"Ok" Jin sweetly smiled, "I'll be right back". Looking around the room he didn't see any spare blankets. He could find some in the living room, but the warmest blankets would be from someone's bed. Namjoon's room was next door so he quickly slipped in pulling all the covers from his bed. He didn't know how much was needed, but he would rather have too much than too little. Re-entering the room he fluffed several more blankets over Clara, making sure each one would be soft and comfortable.

Clara seemed to settle a bit. "I'll let Joon-ah know that you are awake, ok?"

Clara lightly nodded, feeling comforted by the new warmth. She really missed Taehyung right now. He was always warm, and snuggling up to his body heat was always comforting and relaxing. But this would do for now.

Namjoon came in just a few minutes late followed by the doctor. "I heard you've been cold? I'm sorry, it's just because I wasn't able to warm the IV fluids while I was at the apartment. But I think you look like you're doing pretty well. I'll take everything out now and then you'll warm up and rest more easily."

Namjoon thought Clara looked adorable, her big eyes popping out from the blankets that were otherwise fully wrapped around her. Her color looked so much better and he finally was feeling like he could relax and rest, no longer anxious that there might be an emergency at any time.

"Ok, time to rest Clara," Namjoon assured her after the doctor had left. "Tomorrow is a big day because we'll try to start some different foods and liquids to see how they go. Then the day after Taehyung will be home. We'll want to surprise him with how hard you've been working at getting better, hmm?"

Clara could only nod. She really did want Taehyung to see how committed she was to having a healthy baby, their baby.

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