Lyra/Ella Daughter of Lord Alrik/The Enchantress/General Alara

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Fandom: Beyonders

A Beyonder from the Outskirts, Lyra accidentally created a portal from Creon to Lyrian and something is keeping her there, defying the nature of the Outskirts.

She found the Blind King and became one of his Inner Circle and his top spy. He sends her to check in on Jason and Rachel during their quest for the Word and help protect them.

She fights off a band of undercover militia, who attack them on the road under the guise of a masked vigilante the people call "The Enchantress", because she appears out of no where and disappears without a trace, stealing food and supplies for the poorer villages of Lyrian.

She reports back to Galloran that they've taken the company of a Displacer and he sends her ahead to Trensicourt, where she sponsors Jason as Ella, an Emissary of Fortaim and the surrounding area. After Jason and Rachel make it out of Trensicourt, she returns to Galloran, telling Dolan that she has urgent business to attend to at home.

She rejoins them when she hears that Jason accepted an invitation to Harthenham. She helps them escape, but Jason is captured.

She and Drake follow the soldiers to Felrook and free him so he can enter the fortress on his own terms. They help him ring a bell to gain audience with Maldor. As they try to escape, Lyra takes an arrow to the leg.

The soldiers throw her in a cell and Maldor comes to see her. He demands an explanation from his spy - a double agent in Galloran's ranks.

Lyra, also known as, General Alara - the anonymous leader of most of Maldor's forces - insists she didn't know that Jason had all the syllables.

Maldor brushes off her desperate plea, revealing the fraudulent word.

She assures him of her loyalty, pledging to kill Galloran herself. He agrees to let her go but reminds her that they have to make it look good and she welcomes the torture.

Maldor orders his men to make an example of her, but let her live. His men beat her half to death and, against the Emperor's wishes, toss her into the lake around the fortress.

She washes up on the shore near a village and a young family finds her. They take her into their home and nurse her back to health. It takes several weeks for her to recover from the many wounds - bruises, cuts infected by the lake water, several broken bones, and a concussion.

When she's at full strength again, she thanks the family and leaves to find Galloran. She reaches Fortaim only to find the crumbling castle more ruinous than before. She searches the area, relieved not to find Galloran's body.

She figures, with his castle gone, Galloran would make his way to the Amar Kabal. She travels to the Seven Vales and waits for him to arrive.

When the others eventually show up, she reunites with them and helps convince the Amar Kabal to aid them. She joins the delegation, although she tries to go with Galloran, reasoning that she has credibility with the Emperor, but he turns her down. He wants her to have the chance at a normal life.

Ferrin hints that he knows her secret - that she's General Alara, and threatens to reveal it to the others. She refuses to let his words shake her, assuring him that Galloran already knows she's a spy, but she silently worries what Jason and Rachel would think if he told them.

The delegation travels through the mountains, across the Northern Hinterlands, and through the Forsaken Kingdom. The Drinlings sail them down the coast to the Last Inn just outside the southern jungle.

Imperial soldiers attack in the middle of the night, killing two of their companions and gathering the others in the main room downstairs.

Duke Conrad begins interviewing each of them individually with a Displacer named Torvick. He saves Lyra for almost last.

In the midst of her interview, Galloran reaches out with his mind, encouraging her to play her part. Taking his advice, she adopts the guise of General Alara.

Maldor decides it's time that she finally picks her side publicly and focus on crushing the rebels.

Lyra gets the message out to Galloran and he resolves that having a spy in Maldor's ranks is too great an advantage to lose, so she agrees with the Emperor and leaves the room to stand with the other soldiers.

The looks the others give her are devastating, but she remains stoic. No matter how much she wanted to explain everything, she couldn't... not yet.

Galloran, Nedwin, and Jasher ambush the imperials, taking Lyra, Conrad, Torvick, and a few others prisoner.

Duke Conrad challenges Galloran to a duel and loses horribly. Maldor sends a Torivor to finish it, but Galloran dispatches the creature as well.

Lyra and Galloran stage a convincing escape and she flees back to the river, refusing to look back, not wanting to see the devastation she's left in her wake.

She spends the next several months at Felrook, overseeing the siege of Kadara and orchestrating Maldor's other spies.

When word gets out that Jason and his friends have left the Southern Jungle, she convinces Maldor to let her lead the manhunt and track the progress of the desperate rebels.

He sends her to Trensicourt for Galloran's coronation, which reunites her with a very angry Rachel. Decorum forces them to remain civil, but Lyra can sense Rachel's desire to light her on fire or throw her across the room.

When Maldor learns the prophecy from Rachel's mind he confides in Lyra and she argues that she should go after Jason's team as they are the only uncertainty that could pose a real threat. At first, he disagrees, but she warns him not to underestimate them. He decides to send another agent after them - Groddic/The Wanderer, reminding Lyra that she has a promise to keep.

When Galloran and his armies arrive, Maldor boxes them in, basking in his imminent victory. Then, Galloran forms up his army at the Keeps surrounding Felrook. He sends Lyra to the North Keep to manage the affairs there.

That night, Galloran's forces attack the Keeps simultaneously. Ferrin takes the East Keep from the inside. Galloran and Rachel lead the charge at the West Keep. Lyra helps their forces claim the North Keep, surrendering and demanding an audience with Galloran.

She's moved to East Keep with the rest of the army. They lock her in the small dungeon, hands and feet bound, and Galloran comes to see her. He brings Rachel despite her protests.

Lyra explains everything to Rachel in the hopes of earning her trust back. Galloran vouches for her, which, at least, convinces Rachel to consider it.

Galloran presents Lyra to the army as a rebel spy who spent the last few years deep undercover in Maldor's ranks. The announcement boosts morale.

The king meets with her about taking Felrook, but, unfortunately, she doesn't have any vital information. She knows the layout and the  rotation of the guards, but neither would help them actually infiltrate the fortress.

Hours before Maldor's reinforcements arrive to wipe them out, word comes from Jason that the mountain Felrook was built on is actually the ancient mining site for Orantium. In other words, a bomb.

She stays behind as Galloran leads the retreat into the western mountains, bringing up the rear to make sure all the stragglers, mostly the wounded, make it out.

She gets caught in the shockwave of the blast as she helps the last few soldiers around the last cleft.

When she wakes up, the war is over. In a single, fatal blast, all of Felrook and Maldor's armies were destroyed. Just like that, a battle that seemed hopeless, an enemy that seemed undefeatable, was over. They'd won. The emperor had been defeated.

In the next five years, Lyra revealed and renounced all her aliases, though Galloran insisted she remain the ambassador of Fortaim and the surrounding territory. According to him, that title had been rightly given. She mourned the loss of so many good people along with the rest of the country.

Against her wishes, a statue of her was erected in Heroes Square with the rest of the delegation. She didn't believe she deserved the honor, but the people felt otherwise. She patched thing up with Rachel and Jason and they grew to trust her again.

Although she never finds a way to go home to the Outskirts, she is grateful for the life she's made and the friends she's found in Lyrian.

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