Lania Wilson/Emily Mehrens

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Fandom: Arrow

When Lania was 9-years-old she was kidnapped by Agent Fires while her dad, Slade Wilson, was away on a mission. Fires killed her mother right in front of her when the woman tried to protect her daughter.

Fires delivered Lania to the League of Assassins. She was trained into a living weapon and sent after targets. She takes the name Dāopiàn - Blade, and wears a mask over her mouth and nose so no one can recognize her without it.

After 8 year, Fires calls in a favor from the League and hires Lania to be the "muscle" for his mission on Lian Yu. She helps him hunt down Yao Fei, and faces off against her father, who then realizes who she is when he sees her fighting style. She uses moves that he had taught her.

Oliver blows up Fires base and they believe that Lania is dead, but she survives the blast and spies on them for about a year.

She finds a way off the island shortly after her father is injected with the Mirakuru. She travels to Europe where she meets Jacob Mehrens - a young billionaire traveling with his father to check up on the affairs of their global company.

Enthralled by her, Jacob extends his stay in Europe and asks her on a date. They go out for about a year before Jacob asks her to marry him.

On their wedding night, Lania receives orders from the League of Assassins, but she ignores them, not wanting to return to that life.

Meanwhile, the League has her father-in-law killed so that Jacob can take over the company, putting him, and Lania, in a position of power.

When the League gets word that she has strayed from her mission, they have her husband killed.

Lania takes on the name Emily Mehrens to hide her true identity and wears a blonde wig to shroud her black hair. She throws herself back into the League's work, secretly taking out her targets, but, outwardly, she acts to help Starling city thrive.

Upon Oliver's return, she gets close to him. She wants revenge for injecting her father with the Mirakuru and turning him into a psychopath. She even infiltrates Team Arrow, helping Oliver shorten his list.

After the Undertaking, Oliver discovers her identity, but can't act on it because she threatens his family.

Slade returns and the two enemies are forced to work together to stop him. Slade tries to recruit his daughter, but Lania refuses, later telling Oliver - "Slade Wilson was my father, that man out there - Deathstroke - is not."

With Deathstroke imprisoned, Lania goes after the League to get revenge for taking her away from her family.

Oliver offers her a place back on the team when she returns. When she asks why, he tells her it's because he's seen her potential for good.

She fights her way to Ra's Al Ghul, but isn't strong enough to defeat him. She almost dies, but manages to return to Starling City and get help from Oliver.

Oliver has Felicity erase Emily Mehrens' files from the hospitals database so they wouldn't get a match when they tested her blood.

After her recovery, Lania goes out to live her life. Oliver finds her in a bar in the Glades and tries to talk to her, but she tells him off. ("Do not tell me to act my age! That's a luxury I've never had!"...)

She hears about the League's threats on Starling City if Oliver doesn't find Sara Lance's killer. She returns to help them figure out who it is and tries to convince Oliver to let her take his place when they piece things together, claiming she has nothing to live for while Oliver does. Oliver ends up tranquillizing her to stop her from going instead of him.

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