Rachel Porter/Mimic

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Fandom: The Flash

Her mother died due to complications in her birth. These complications left Rachel with a degenerative disease in her vocal cords. By the age of ten, she was completely mute.

Despite her handicap, Rachel became an expert in quantum mechanics. She graduated top of her class, but no one would hire her because communication would prove too difficult. They wouldn't make the effort to understand her.

When the particle accelerator exploded, Rachel Porter was affected by the wave of Dark Matter in a very unique way. A few weeks after the incident, her dad and brother were fighting and, wishing it would stop, she created a bubble of complete silence. Nothing inside could make any noise.

Scared of her newfound abilities, she runs away. Soon, she realizes that, not only can she create silence, she also has super hearing and can mimic and/or steal other people's voices.

Finally free of her feelings of helplessness, she acts out of anger and tries to amplify her powers so she can silence the entire city. Then everyone would know how she felt her entire life.

Barry finds her before she can finish her plan and talks her out of it. Bringing her back to STAR Labs, he convinces Sisco, Katelyn, and Dr. Wells to help Rachel learn to control her powers.

After training with Team Flash, she decides to join their hunt for other Meta Humans. She develops her skills so she can emit sonic blasts from her hand, but she still struggles with control.

When Hartley attacks, Rachel convinces Sisco to tweak the gauntlets so she can use them to hone her powers.

About a year later, Zoom shows up and the multiverse is revealed.

Rachel learns that her doppelgänger on Earth 2 is less than friendly. Harry tells her that the Rachel Porter on his earth is an infamous villain known as Echo.

Echo was found by Zoom instead of Flash and he helped her learn to use her power. She became the speedster's most trusted enforcer. They call her echo because she steals the voices of all her victims, mutilating their vocal cords in the process so everyone knows it was her. After the fact, she will often spy on the family and speak in their deceased loved one's voice, as if their ghost were haunting the house, but everyone knows what it really is.

Echo comes to Earth 1 to wreak havoc and Rachel/Mimic has to stop her. Mimic proves to be stronger than Echo, but Zoom rescues his loyal right hand man before they can capture her.

When Barry, Sisco, and Harry go to Earth 2 to rescue Harry's daughter Jesse, Rachel insists on going. They come up against Echo again and Mimic kills her while saving Barry's life.

Back on Earth 1, Rachel closes herself off and refuses to use her powers, afraid she'll hurt someone else.

After defeating Zoom, Barry, unable to cope with the grief of losing his father, creates Flashpoint. In this timeline, Rachel is an accomplished quantum mechanic for Mercury Labs - No powers. Barry literally runs into her at Jitters and has an entire conversation with her before he asks Iris out.

When he tries to reset the timeline, things are different. Rachel is gone. He looks her up and finds out that she's wanted for the murder of three cops.

In this new timeline, when Mimic faced Echo on Earth 1, instead of passing out afterwards, her powers jump started. Suddenly, her full strength was rushing through her and she couldn't control it. The police arrived to lock down the crime scene and she lost her grip, unleashing a massive shockwave which killed three officers and injured about a dozen others.

With Barry's help, she managed to escape to the woods outside of Central City, but she can never return without being arrested if not shot on sight.

Barry goes to see her despite the others' warnings. He finds her kneeling in the middle of the woods with an orb of silence surrounding her. He tries to convince her to come back to STAR Labs, but she refuses, not wanting to risk anyone's safety.

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