Malina Ross

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Fandom: Falling Skies

Malina had just turned 16 when the Skitters attacked, destroying her entire neighborhood. Her parents and best friend were killed. As she tried to escape, she was caught in a blast and knocked out. The Skitters Harnessed her and put her to work for 6 months.

While moving building materials, Malina dislodged a live wire, which touched her Harness and electrocuted her. She recovers, but her Harness starts glitching, allowing her moments of control.

During one of these, she stops working, which draws the attention of a Mech. The supervising Skitter urges her to work, but she refuses.

The Mech fires at her. She turns her back on the machination and the bullet hits her Harness, obliterating it.

The Skitters believe she's dead and leave her there, but the alien metal of the Harness protected her just enough. She manages to escape with her freedom and cuts all over her back.

She survives for the next 3 months scavenging and swiping supplies from groups of survivors that camp out in her area.

She tries to steal from the 2nd Massachusetts, but gets caught by Hal Mason as she runs away. They lock her up and try to get information out of her, but she won't say a word to anyone.

Tom Mason gets a few words out of her. "We can't help you if you don't let us."
"Help me! There are hundreds of people here. You're begging to be found by those monsters."

Tom tries to earn her trust, letting her out of her "cell" and showing her around the 2nd Mass. She tells him what happened to her home, but leaves out the part about being Harnessed. Later, she takes advantage of his hospitality and runs away, but she doesn't stray far.

Clayton takes the kids and she follows them, curious as to what's going on. She finds out about Clayton's deal with the Skitters and tries to warn them, but can't get passed the men guarding the house.

She helps them escape reuniting with Tom, Hal, and the 2nd Mass. She does what she can to help them.

Eventually, she confides in Tom, tells him that she was Harnessed and that she is slowly turning into one of them. She shows him the growing scales of hard skin on her back and explains that she's fighting to keep the change at bay.

She joins Tom when he goes to Boston to help the attack on the Skitter tower and gets caught in an explosion as they try to get Captain Weaver to safety. She takes a piece of shrapnel to the leg and tells Tom to run. He hesitates, but escapes as the Skitters capture her.

Karen and her commanding Overlord experiment on Malina to figure out how she resisted her Harness. They extract samples of her blood, bone marrow, muscle, spinal fluid. They use a probe to analyze her mind.

Eventually, they create a Spike, which they attach to her neck at the brain stem and use it to pump an exponentially higher level of drugs from the Harness into her system.

When that method shows promise, they give her a suit of Mech Metal armor with retractable claws and a small arm canon and send her after Ben and the Mason's. She attacks Hal and Ben's patrol, killing the other fighter with them, but she stops when she takes down Hal. She can't bring herself to kill him or Ben.

The Overlord sends a fresh wave of drugs into her system, but the Mason boys escape.

Back on the ship, the Overlord ups the dosage even more - about 10x that of the Harnesses - and sends her out again.

She tracks down the 2nd Mass. at their new base of operations. When the guards attack her she kills three of them before the other fighters manage to surround her. She offers Captain Weaver a deal. "I don't want more unnecessary death, Captain. I'm not here to hurt your people. That's not my mission.
"Hand over Tom Mason... and his boys, and I'll leave you in peace."

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