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Fandom: The Matrix

She was born in the Matrix, but displayed signs of being a potential. She knew something was wrong and started digging.

Eventually, she found her own way out of the Matrix. She can't remember how she escaped. Her first memory after that is waking up in a tunnel outside her pod.

Morpheus and the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar find her in a tunnel half-dead. They nurse her back to health, but something is off. She reacts strangely whenever the Sentinels show up. She goes into some kind of trance, sensing their presence before they show up on radar.

As they realize the pattern, this "glitch", as Cypher takes to calling it, acts as an early warning sign to the "squidies."

Because of the "glitch", Morpheus won't let her back into the Matrix. This leads her to form strong bonds with Tank and Dozer since they can't enter the Matrix either.

After Tank's death, Rover decides to stay in Zion for a while and take a break from the Sentinels constantly bombarding her with "feedback."

She rejoins the fight and I honestly don't what else she does in the story. Eventually, she goes into the Matrix, which doesn't exactly go well, but other than that, she's just there as a part of the team. Oh, she does learn how to send some feedback back at the Squiddies to help in the fight for Zion. That's all I got though. 😅

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