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Fandom: Maze Runner

What happened before Thomas, Newt, and the others were sent into the Maze? How did the creators know it was ready? Simple. They sent up a guinea pig - someone to test the Maze.

Peggy entered the Maze with no memory. She crawled out of a metal box to find herself in what would become the Glade. She watched the doors open day and night, too scared to venture beyond them. The Box provided her with enough supplies for two weeks.

As her food and water began to dwindle, she realized her only chance was to search for resources beyond the Glade - in the Maze.

She gathered the rest of her supplies and left the safety of the Glade in hopes of finding food, water, even a way out.

As she spent the next few days exploring the Maze and avoiding Grievers, she realized there was nothing for her out there.

When she returned to the Glade she found a boy there, wandering the clearing in confusion. She talked to him and found out his name was Alby. He had no idea how he'd gotten there, who the creators were, or what they wanted. All he remembered was his name. Peggy couldn't even remember that.

She stayed with Alby for about a month. Then, the Box came back with supplies and another boy. She took what she needed and decided to go back into the Maze to try and find a way out. She only returned to the Glade every few days. Each month, more boys arrived and she noticed cameras and microphones. They were being watched. She tried to be discrete - to avoid being seen. She noticed more surveillance in the Glade than in the Maze.

She made a deal with Alby. She'd stay in the Maze and look for a way out without the creators watching her and he would set aside supplies for her to grab every month when she returned to the Glade. So, that morning, when the gates to the Maze opened, she went in... and she didn't come back for a month. Alby and even the creators believed she was dead - killed by Grievers, but Alby still set out supplies and she still came to get them.

Peggy was their lab rat. They'd taken all of her memories and left her nothing, not even her name. Unfortunately for them, that made her amnesia unstable. Little by little she remembered things about the creators - about WCKD. Not enough to stop them, not enough to escape the Maze, but enough to truly hate them.

When Thomas arrived in the Glade, Peggy finally gets found out. She revealed herself to the Runners, saved Thomas and Minho (who gives her the nickname Peggy) during their night in the Maze and helped the Gladers escape the Maze.

She escaped with the others into the Scorch, facing the Cranks and other dangers of the post-apocalyptic world.

Minho gets captured and they set off on a quest to free him. When they get him back, she goes with the survivors to the island.

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