Samantha (Sam) Wilcox/ Isabelle /Ravenna

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Fandom: Once upon a Time

That's right! This character has THREE names!!!! This is going to be a very long, very complex origin story. 😅 Apologies in advance.

Ravenna is the daughter of Black Beard and an enchantress. Her mother - the enchantress - creates a potion to give Black Beard unnaturally long life, which comes into play later.

After Ravenna's mother dies, she realizes she has rudimentary magic. She can throw people across the room, choke them without touching them, basically just telekinesis.

As she grows up on a ship full of pirates and reveals her magic, the crew learns to fear her. They even try to throw her overboard at one point, but end up just triggering her magic and getting themselves hurt.

With the threat of the crew, Black Beard locks her in her small cabin and restricts her to only short outings on the deck. She never goes ashore.

Black Beard and Captain Killian Jones cross paths and swords. Killian wins the duel and takes Ravenna with him on his ship.

When they go to Neverland, Killian Jones - now Captain Hook - uses her to pay off his debts with Pan. She becomes the first and only Lost Girl.

While in Neverland, she befriends Balefire - Rumplestilsken's Son. They spend most of their time together until Balefire escapes the island. (There is an underlying romance between them.😅)

Finally, Ravenna finds a way out of Neverland and washes up on the shores of Arendell. She spends a few days there before getting on a ship back to the Enchanted Forest. Once there, she starts the search for her father, but is taken into service by Cruella DeVil, who forces her to kill animals, and occasionally people, for her. A few months later, deciding Ravenna is more trouble than she's worth, Cruella sells her to a traveling circus. She acts as a stable girl and acrobat. One of the animals she takes care of is Dumbo the elephant.

While doing a show in one of the small towns near the castle, the tent starts on fire.

Ravenna goes back to get the animals out, but one of the wooden posts holding up the tent breaks free and collapses onto her, trapping her in the burning tent. Dumbo refuses to leave her.

She's saved by none other than Prince Charming, who nurses her and Dumbo back to health in his castle.

Afraid that telling him her real name would reveal who she is - the daughter of a pirate, she goes by the name Isabelle.

Meanwhile, the circus has moved on, leaving them behind. Once Dumbo is well enough to fly, she sets him free to find his mother.

Charming offers Ravenna/Isabelle a place in the royal court since she has no where else to go. Accepting the offer, Ravenna becomes like a sister to Charming/David.

She helps him and Snow take back the kingdom from Regina and lives with them in their castle.

When the curse hits, she becomes Samantha Wilcox - Storybrooke's resident trouble maker. Since she's only 18, everyone thinks she ran away from her family. She lives on her own, making money doing odd jobs around town and living in an abandoned house.

Blah, blah, blah. Emma shows up and breaks the curse. Blah, blah, blah. The other seasons happen. And they all live happily ever after. Yay!

Well, that was long-winded. Hope you enjoyed Ravenna's convoluted story. 😅

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