Myra Delaquor/Myron Vidarr

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Fandom: The Musketeers

Myra lived in a small poor village outside of Paris. A group of bandits frequently raided the village, demanding they pay a "protection fee."

Her younger brother died of disease when she was 8, driving her father to take up swordplay and teach her and her brothers. Not long after, one of her little sisters died of another illness. When her mother got sick, her father fought to keep her alive, but, less than a year later, she died.

At age 13, her father and older brothers stand up to the bandits. They're outnumbered and Myra has to watch them be executed in the village square. As payment for her father's "debts", the bandits tried to take her and her sister. Myra manages to escape, but they disappear with her sister.

She spends almost two years searching for the scum who stole her sister, but, when she does find them, it's too late. She discovers her sisters body, cast out of the camp along with their rubbish. Overcome by rage, she sneaks into the leader's tent and kills him.

With nothing left in her life, she goes to Paris in search of work. Unfortunately, there isn't much need for a woman with her skill in fighting. She learns of the Musketeers and decides that's what she wants to do.

She disguises herself as a man, wearing a mask and playing a mute with a horrific backstory. She earns her way into the Musketeers.

A few years later, a young man by the name of d'Artagnan arrives in Paris seeking revenge for his father's murder. She helps he, Athos, Aramis, and Porthos raid the phony Musketeers' camp.

When d'Artagnan goes undercover and tries to learn Vadim's plan, Myra, known to the Musketeers as Myron, gets caught in an explosion in the tunnels.

D'Artagnan finds her unconscious and she tells him everything, making him swear not to tell the others her secret. She thanks him later in the tavern as herself.

She helps Aramis and his friend as they uncover the truth about the slaughter in Savoy 5 years prior.

Myra sneaks into the Court of Miracles when Porthos is taken there after his trial to learn where he's being held. She learns what she can as Myra and reports to Athos as Myron.

When Marie de Medici comes out of exile claiming to be hunted, Myra/Myron helps Aramis and d'Artagnan track down the child that the Cardinal sent for. They discover that the child is the rightful heir to the French throne and that Marie Medici wants to use him to gain the throne.

Aramis tries to help the mother and her child escape. Athos and the others find them and Marie's men show up to cut off any escape from France. Myra/Myron offers to escape the market with the child while the mother crosses the bridge.

While Aramis causes a diversion, she slips away with the child, Henry. She changes out of her Musketeer uniform to draw less attention and goes to Constance Bonacieux's house. The Musketeers find her there after leading Marie's men to believe that the child had died. She explains that she is Myron's sister and he avoids associating with her to allow her to have a normal life and find a suitor. He didn't want to be a burden.

Myra helps protect Ninon de Larroque. After Athos searches her house, Ninon asks Myron to stay behind for a private word. Once they're alone, she reveals that she recognized Myra by her eyes. They catch up on the nearly 6 years since Myra had taken her last lesson from Ninon.

King Louie orders a challenge between the Musketeers and the Red Guards. Myra/Myron chooses not to participate, but lends her support to the challengers both as Myron and herself.

While the Queen is on a trip to bathe in waters that are said to bring fertility, they're attacked. Aramis, Athos, Myron, and the Queen hold up in a nearby convent while d'Artagnan and Porthos ride to Paris for help.

During the siege of the convent, Myron is shot and badly wounded. Aramis is able to stitch up the wound so she doesn't bleed out, but her secret is discovered.

When they return to Paris, she decides not to don her disguise, seeing no point in hiding anymore. When the king hears of her treachery, he has her arrested.

She's imprisoned for over three months before the king finally revokes her commission into the Musketeers and grants her freedom, on the condition she stay out of "Musketeer Business."

She agrees and finds employment at a tavern the Musketeers frequent so she can still stay in the know about what's going on in the country. After several months of this, she finds that she is no longer able to accept the king's condition and helps Athos and the others in secret.

She stows away on the king's trip to witness the eclipse. She's discovered when Marmion's men attack and bound to a pillar in the main observatory. As Marmion forces the King to make impossible decisions, he reveals the truth of his past and the death of his family. Myra tries to use their common loss to reason with him, but he slaps her and continues to push the King.

After Marmion is defeated and the prisoners are freed, the King seeks to reward Myra for her bold loyalty against Marmion. He makes her a Courtier and seeks her advice in some matters.

Myra tries to argue in the Musketeers' favor as Rochfort fights to undermine the King's trust in them.

When the king's cousin arrives at the palace to marry a Swede and the Arch Bishop is murdered, Myra overhears Rochfort and the princess talking and discovers the truth about both of them. As she moves to leave, she bumps a table. Rochfort chases her through the palace. He tries to grab her at the top of a staircase, but she pulls free. She trips and falls, hitting her head on the stone steps. Rochfort flees the scene and d'Artagnan finds her on his way to the Princess' room. Dr. Lemay does what he can, but Myra slips into a coma - she's stable, but won't wake up.

When the Musketeers reveal Rochfort and the king doubts them, she barges into the room to confirm their accusations. Afterwards, Aramis decides that he must become a monk, because of a vow he made to God to protect the Queen and the Dauphin - his son.

Unfortunately, Rochfort's schemes lead to a war with Spain, which calls the Musketeers away.

During the next 4 years, Myra stays on as Courtier, but sneaks away to the battlefield whenever she's granted leave. The king doesn't seem to notice or care.

Athos and the others are pinned down on the frontlines when she arrives. She joins their final charge to breach Spain's lines and destroy their gun powder.

Meanwhile, their supply cart gets ambushed by mercenaries, who take control of a nearby monastery to hide.

When Athos, Myra, and the others sneak in to help the monks and children trapped inside, they're surprised to find Aramis among them.

After saving the monastery, they return to Paris with Aramis.

Upon reaching the palace, one of the servants informs her that the king wants to see her. She comes before him prepared for the worst, knowing that he discovered her ventures to the front. Instead of punishing her, King Louie reinstates her commission as a Musketeer on the condition that she keep it a secret. He gives her a letter with his seal to inform Athos of his decision. She gives Athos the letter and, obviously, Aramis, Porthos, and d'Artagnan find out as well.

Myra defends Sylvie and the refugees when they are accused of stealing the food stores, revealing the connection she's formed with them during the war.

A group of prisoners break out and escape into the streets of Paris. She's walking the streets when she notices the commotion. She bustles her skirt in the front and pulls daggers from in her boots, rushing to help fend off the mob.

Grimaud sends an assassin after her and sets up the others to be killed. She catches on and manages to outwit Grimaud's agent.

She's at the barricade when Grimaud attacks, caught in the explosion. Fortunately, she's not too badly wounded and jumps right back in to help the others take out Grimaud.

When they finally take him down, Athos leaves to start a life with Sylvie, who's pregnant; Porthos is promoted to General and returns to the frontlines after marrying the woman he met in the woods; Aramis becomes the Minister of War after Trevil's passing in the battle against Grimaud; and d'Artagnan takes over as the captain of the Musketeers. Myra stays on as a Musketeer, the Queen making her commission public and keeping Myra on as one of her advisors.

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