Aftermath, Before Biology

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Camera turns toward the sun, and then pans to the cave in which Doc is located. Vic of Blue Command talks in a static voice.

Vic: Hello, dude, come in. Doctor dude, are you there? Hello. Paging doctor dude to the radio, stat! I need twenty CCs of what the hell's going on there dude.

"Oh, not this idiot again," Wyoming complained.

Several people grumbled, sharing his sentiments.

Rider frowned. I like him. He's funny. She thought.

Doc walks out from behind a rock in the cave, groaning.

Doc: Ugh. What happened?

Vic: Hey, you tell me dude. One minute we're talking about a hole in the wall, the next thing I know you turn into Grumps McGurt. Sounded like you needed a lozenge. Threatened to eat my children. Not very cool, dude.

"Do they have to be born? 😏" Rider muttered.

Dead silence.

And then-

"Did you just make a blow job joke?" York asked incredulously.

"Yup. One might say it was a good cumback." Rider retorted, stifling her cackles.


"I think the fuck not!"

"Not a fucking Dad joke."

"I don't know if that's better or worse than Wyoming's shit."

While everyone was making their anger known, Rider was laughing her ass off, struggling to breathe.

Doc: Geez, did I really? I'm sorry, something went wrong with my radio, and I heard this weird beeping, honking-

Vic: Hey, no offense taken, dude. Don't got any kids anyway.

Doc: What?

Vic: Old Vic's been through the snip and stitch.

Doc: I don't-

Vic: If you know what I mean.

Doc: I don't wanna hear about that.

Vic: Winky-Blinky the one eyed Sergeant's firing blanks.

Doc: That's weird.

Vic: If you get me.

Doc: Look-

Vic: Vaya Con Dios of the Vas Deferens.

Doc: Yeah alright, I, enough, I get you.

Vic: I mean a vasectomy, dude.

"Those were some very creative ways to say he got a vasectomy," York said, narrowing his eyes at the screen.

"Maybe you can use them when South finally castrates you," Wash teased.

York rolled his eyes. "Ha ha ha," He deadpanned. "Very funny."

"He's not wrong though," South mused, twirling a butter knife in her fingers expertly and shooting him a wicked grin.

York swallowed nervously and shot North a Help me with his eyes.

North spread his hands in a what can you do? Gesture.

"Who gave South a knife?" Carolina demanded, focusing on more important matters.

South's grin twisted into a scowl that she directed at their squad leader. "Me. You got a problem?" She challenged.

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