1.21 Giga-Whats??

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Cut to Church running up to Donut with his gun pointed at him.

Church: Freeze!

Donut: Hey, why the hell are you shooting at me?! You coulda hit me, dick!

"But that's the point." Wash said, his voice taking on that high pitch when he's annoyed.

"You go any higher Wash and you'll break the glass." North teased and an amused chuckled rippled through the room. Wash's face flushed with embarrassment.

Church: Can it. Don't try to play stupid with me, Sarge. I know who ya are. We've been spying on you for three weeks now.

Donut: I just got here two hours ago. And I'm not a Sergeant, I'm a Private.

Church: Wait a minute, you're not the Sergeant!

Donut: Yeah, that's what I just said.

Church: Well then how the hell did you manage to steal our flag?

South cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted. "He didn't steal it! Your teams made it easy when you dumbasses decided to haze both of your rookies at the same time!" North shushed her but he was trying to suppress his laughter.

Donut: Steal? I have no idea what the hell you're talking about!

Tucker comes out of the teleporter between them and now has black armor.

Tex glared at the screen while everyone flinched at the sudden appearance. "Why the fuck is he wearing black armor?" She growled.

There was a beat of silence. Then, "Are you seriously mad that he's wearing the same color as you?" Came South's shocked and gleeful question.

"How would you feel if someone started wearing your armor color?" Tex countered.

South stared at her for a moment and snorted. "Your armor is black. Not really original. And someone does wear the same armor color as me," She nodded to North who gave her a two-fingered salute. "He may be a few shades darker than me but pretty much the same thing."

"I've been meaning to ask you about that actually." York said before Tex could say anything. "Why purple and green? Most people would say that purple and green don't go together."

North chuckled. "Oh you're going to enjoy this one." He said, his sky blue eyes twinkling with amusement as he looked at his sister.

South rolled her eyes. "Ever since we were kids, North has almost always copied what I've worn or done so we can match. Twin thing y'know? I think he picked it up from mom. So when we were accepted into the project, I chose the most obnoxious colors I could think of thinking "No way he's going to copy me" and then what do I see this prick wearing? Looking the most smug I've ever seen him and sporting the same colors, if only a different shade."

North chucked. "Mom did always say that you have impeccable taste." He grinned and tousled South's hair.

She swatted at his hand. "Stop it." She hissed and fixed her hair, grumbling about what an asshole her brother was.

Tucker: Three!

Church: JESUS!

Donut: HOLY SHIT! Who is this guy?

Church: What in the hell!? Tucker? Is that you?

Tucker: How did you get up here ahead of me?

Donut: And what's with that black shit on your armor?

Tucker: Hey! Freeze, Sarge!

Donut: Would you stop calling me a Sergeant, I'm still just a Private.

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