Red vs. Bleu

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The Reds and Blues are not shooting at each other. Sarge is addressing Church.

Sarge: We are giving you a chance to surrender!

Grif: There's no way this bluff is gonna work.

Sarge: Put a cork in it, Fast Eddie. There's positively no way they know we're outta ammo.

Cut to the Blues.

Church: Yeah, they're definitely outta ammo... (yells back) What're your terms?!

"They have the upper hand. Why are they still trying to negotiate?" Wash said though he wasn't surprised.

"They're idiots, Wash. What do you expect?" Tex said from the back.

"Fair." Wash sighed.

Tucker: Their what?

Cut to the Reds.

Grif: Our what?

Simmons: I can't believe this is actually working. See if we can get Lopez back, Sarge.

Grif: Oh yeah. 'Cause then he can fix the Warthog.

Donut: Oo oo, Sarge - tell them we want the flag.

Grif: Yeah, and some cake!

Donut: Ooh... Wait wait Sarge, just the cake.

"Shit, if they can get cake, I'm going to be a sim trooper," York said. He hadn't had cake in years. Being in the military during a war in a spaceship didn't give you ample opportunity to have delicacies such as cake.

"You're kidding, right?" North asked.

"Yeah..." York said, only half serious.

Sarge: Alright, Blues! First off! We want your flag-!

Simmons: Wait wait wait just a second. The last time we got the flag, the chick in the black armor showed up.

Sarge: stay right where it is! Keep the flag! But we do want our mechanized droid guy back!

Tex smirked smugly. More people she put the fear of God into. Or rather, herself.

Church: Uh oh.

Sarge: You may know him as Señor El Roboto!

Cut to the Blues.

Tucker: Well, Church, what's it gonna be?

Church: Chingado, no way. I'm not giving back my body. I just got this thing.

Rider snickered. Of course he picked up on the swear words. They're the best part of any language.

South's eyes gleamed with interest. "What does it mean?"

Depends how you use it. It means fuck but if you say 'como chingas' then they're being a pain in the ass. 'Aye chingado' is oh fuck. 'Que chingado eres' is you fucker. 'Que chingado' is what the fuck. "Que chingona' is you're a badass but can also be used sarcastically. 'Muy chingona' means she thinks she's a badass.

South looked at North and said, "Que chingado eres."

Rider winced at the pronunciation and North sighed deeply. "Did you really have to tell her?"

What? I love teaching people how to swear in Spanish.

South grinned. "Teach me more."

"Let's not," Carolina said sharply.

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