Visiting Old Friends

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Simmons is standing in front of one of the teleporters in his janitor closet

Simmons: Okay, let's see, if I wire this thing in to that... maybe I could signal boost on that thing there... I might just be able to get that to work.

View through the teleporter to Sarge and Caboose shooting

Sarge: Caboose, Caboose, keep them away from me! Get that one. And that one. No no, the one with the limp! Get 'im!

Simmons: Sarge, is that you?

Caboose: I don't want to kill... but... I don't want to die even more.

Then dammit, Mikey, you should've just gone to Harvard, Niner thought, feeling bad for her brother—and a bit exasperated if she was being honest.

Simmons: Caboose, can you hear me!?

Caboose: Yes, I heard you Sergeant.

Sarge: I didn't say anything, numbnuts.

View is solidly in Battle Creek

Sarge: Caboose, we have to break this neverending cycle of attack and retaliation, either by A) convincing the two sides to live in peace, or B) by getting ourselves completely involved, and kicking some serious ass! I vote B.

"I also vote B," South agreed.

"I think everyone votes for plan B," Florida oh so helpfully pointed out.

"Meh," CT shrugged. "Not feeling it right now."

"Almost everyone votes for plan B," Florida amended.

Caboose: I have a plan Sergeant, but we will have to move quick. Listen: (Whispering) whisper whisper whisper. Do you think that will work?

Sarge: That's your plan? All you said was "whisper whisper whisper."

Caboose: I know. I just wanted to be the one with the plan for once.

"I know how he feels," South huffed, the look on her face dangerously close to being called a pout.

Carolina rolled her eyes. "South, every time you make a plan something blows up, almost killing someone and the mission almost goes sou—" Carolina paused, remembering who she was talking to. "You know what I mean."



"What? Shit's gonna blow up anyway, might as well be on our terms." South raised a brow, challenging the red-haired woman.

Carolina gave her a long look before looking away, so not in the mood for this.

Sarge: Hgggh, come on. I have an idea.

Black screen: "meanwhile, somewhere else in the galaxy" Fades in to a hallway

Phil: This sucks man. I have to do everything around here. Go guard the wall, Phil. Go paint the jeep Phil. Go do everything Phil. This sucks.

Wyoming drops behind Phil, and he turns around

Phil: What was that? Nothin', just that stupid, sucky wind. Breaking a twig, coming up behind me and... breathing, real heavy. (turns around) What the?

Wyoming: Hello, mate. (thick English accent)

Wyoming's jaw dropped, his eyes wide with shock and—you guessed it—mustache twitchier than ever. "Why in the bloody hell am I in this?!" Wyoming managed to spit once he got over his initial shock.

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