I Dream of Meanie

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The Blues are standing around each other.

Church: Get out of my body right now, Tex!

Tex snorted. "As if he could tell me what to do."

Tex: (in Lopez's body) Your body? This isn't your body, I stole it.

Church: Yeah, but I stole it first!

Sheila: I am confused. I thought your name was Lopez. And I thought you were a man. This is all so strange. I feel like my circuits are crossed.. and I like it!


O'Malley: I know how to get her out of there. (raises pistol and Tex looks at him) Wink.

Church: Caboose, don't. Look, just go explain to Sheila, okay? (Caboose leaves) Alright, Tex, now what's it gonna take to get you out of there?

Tex: Well ever since I've been a ghost, I've been watching you guys a lot.

Tucker: Whoa, when you say you've been watching us, does that mean you've been watching us all the time? (he looks over at a rock that has been written on in aqua: PRIVATE! KEEP OUT! TUCKER'S ROCK!) Like even when we're alone?

Ew. Rider said, voicing everyone's sentiments. I hope it gets blown up. She said and Niner grunted in agreement.

Tex: Yes, Tucker, and you should be VERY ashamed of yourself.

Caboose is visible in the background, crouched on top of Sheila.

Tucker: ...It's very lonely out here...

Tex: Anyway, I've noticed a change in one of your guys. Caboose.

Church: A change? Like what? He's finally learned the whole alphabet?

Tex: You haven't noticed that he's become increasingly aggressive lately?

"I did." CT said smugly.

"You're going to hold that over us for the rest of time, aren't you?" York asked sourly.

"Yup." CT confirmed, her smug smirk growing by the second. Groans echoed around the room. A smug CT is not fun for anyone.

Tucker: I have! Started about the same time Sheila got disabled and you got blown up. I tried to tell Church but he never listens.

Church: Tucker, there's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.

Fade to black, then to a grayscale flashback that Tex narrates.

Tex: (voiceover) I had just finished repairing the tank when I overheard Church's plan to warn the Reds about me.

Church: (in the flashback with a faint echo) I guess I'm gonna do the only thing I can do. I gotta warn the Reds.

Tex: From what I could tell, (fade to black, then to the present) the A.I. calculated the odds of survival and didn't like the results. (fade to a grayscale flashback) Once Caboose turned on his radio to call Church, it took it's chance.

Caboose: (in flashback, echoing) Calling Private Church. Come in, Church.

Fade to the present.

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