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Church, Caboose and Tucker are standing over Church's body.

Church: I am not happy about this.

Caboose: I have an idea. ...I HAVE AN IDEA!

Tucker: Yeah, we heard you the first time, Caboose, we were just ignoring you.

Caboose: Since you possessed that Red guy, and took control of him, why don't you just possess your own body?

Church: Oh I see, so that way I would be living inside of my own dead body.

I guess he takes control of the brain and uses its neurological signals to move the body like a controller, rather than using the body as a whole like a doll or even just controlling the armor. CT hummed. CT would ponder on this more if ghosts actually existed (shut up York).

Caboose: Yes.

Church: Unable to move, just, laying there, rotting in the sun for all eternity.

Caboose: Yes.

Church: Okay, Caboose, I'll be sure to get right on that.

Caboose: I think you are a mean ghost.

Tucker: Dude, you really stink.

Church: What?

Tucker: Your body, it stinks.

Church: Tucker, the first chance we get, you are going to bury my body.

Tucker: Quit your bitching, nothing's going to happen to it.

Church: It's a freaking indignity! My body fought hard for this army, and it deserves to be laid to rest.

I think you mean hardly fought. Rider said wryly.

Tex snorted. "Wouldn't surprise me."

Tucker: Get over it, you're already dead. What's the worst that could happen now?

Caboose: Hey, Church, look, birds! Why are they flying around in circles?

Church: (as a sigh) Nuh, God.

Cut to Grif and Simmons on the Red Base.

Grif: Okay, I'll go again. I spy something.. that begins with...

Simmons: Dirt.

Grif: Damn! How did you-

Simmons: Well, because you did rock last time. That's all that's out here, is rock and dirt.

So we're just gonna ignore the trees? Okay, cool. Rider huffed, eliciting a couple of chuckles from the team of highly trained death skittles.

Grif: Yeah, this canyon sucks.

Cut to Tucker and Church watching Tex fix the tank from the cliff's edge. Caboose is behind Tucker looking through the sniper rifle.

Church: How long do you figure until Tex fixes the tank?

Tucker: Not much longer. She said it's going pretty well. The gun's almost working, and then she'll get it moving again.

Church: (sarcastic) Oh, that's just fantastic.

Tucker: Why would that upset you?

Church: Because as soon as she gets the tank online, she's gonna use it against the Reds, and they're all gonna die.

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