Last One Out, Hit The Lights

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Camera pans up to reveal Grif and Simmons standing atop Red Base. Lopez is visible in the background.

Simmons: Hey.

Grif: Yeah?

Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here?

"Oh great, a callback. Show's finally ending. Fucking finally." South grinned.

"I thought you said that this show would give us 'great insight to our future'. So far we've only seen that Texas gets a shitty boyfriend who ends up dying." Carolina accused, glowering at Rider. Her and her team did not just get kidnapped for this.

"I mean, we know that ghosts are a thing now." Wash said hesitantly.

"Shut up, Wash." Carolina snapped.

"Shutting up, boss."

This is the end of a season, not the whole show. Rider said, getting a little nervous. It was starting to feel like she was going to get yelled at by her mom. Those were not happy memories.

"Well how many seasons are there?" Carolina narrowed her eyes. Rider was getting nervous. Good.

Uhhh. Rider really didn't want to face Carolina's wrath if she told her that there were 17 seasons. You'll see in due time? She said hesitantly.

"What." Carolina growled, her already nonexistent patience wearing thin.

Please don't kill me. Rider yelped.

Carolina looked like she was going to keep pushing her but North leaned forward. "Come on Carolina, leave the kid alone. She's only 16." He murmured.

Carolina had actually forgotten that Rider was still a teenager. Carolina closed her mouth and dropped the matter, though she wasn't happy about it.

Grif: No. I never, ever, wonder why we're here. Semper Fi, bitch.

"I think I like that response better." South smirked. Anything was better than the philosophical shit that he had spewed in the beginning.

But it ain't the classic. Rider thought to herself.

Church possesses Lopez.

Lopez: Keegakergerk!

York snorted. Was that seriously the noise they make when they get possessed? If so, it's hysterical. But York thought about whether he would make that noise and decided he probably would. As cool as the possibility of getting possessed is, it wasn't worth the ridicule and mocking he would get from his team. They already have enough material.

Simmons: What? What's wrong with Lopez?

They turn to look at him.

Grif: I don't care.

Simmons: Hey, Lopez, uh.. you okay, man?

Church as Lopez: Aye, muchachos, necesito darles...... un aviso... [Guys, I need to give... you a... warning...]

Church: ¿Qué? ¿Por qué estoy hablando en español? ¡Yo no puedo hablar español! [What? Why am I speaking Spanish? I don't know Spanish!]

York and a couple others snickered.

"That's just amazing!" South cackled.

Simmons: Um... Sure...

Church: ¡No, no, escuchame! ¡La bruja los va a matar! ¡Ella está trabajando en el tanque! [No, listen to me! The mean woman is going to kill you! She is fixing the tank!]

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