Me, Myself, and You

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Church and Tex inside Caboose's head, with mental images of Caboose and Tucker

Caboose: I see, so you're from the outside. That's where the other is from as well.

Church: The other? Wait you mean O'Malley? Have you seen him?

Mental image of Church appears behind Caboose

Mental image of Church: Of course he's seen him, you idiot! You think Mister Caboose would miss something like that, you skeezy douche bag fuck?!

South grinned, suppressing a loud cackle. "I like this Church better." She said, grabbing some of North's candy and popping it in her mouth.

North was tempted to smack her hand and steal back his treats but decided it wasn't worth it. South can cling to candy like a drowning cat and will defend her prize like one too. Besides, he was more concerned about the new creative swears she'll learn from Caboose's version of Church.

Church: Alright, hold on a second. Who the hell are you?

Mental image of Church: My name is Church, butt wiping ass munch!

South grinned gleefully and North abandoned all self-preservation and covered her ears.

"North, what the fuck?" South hissed and tried smacking away his hands but North held firmly. South growled, ticked off, and licked the palm of her hand and smeared it on top of North's.

North's hands recoiled, making a noise of disgust. In retaliation, he wiped his hands on her exposed midriff, which South tried to block but she was too slow. She let out a similar noise of disgust that North made earlier and squeezed the pressure points on North's kneecap, causing his leg to spasm. North yelped and jabbed at South's hip joint where he knew it was especially ticklish.

South shrieked and started laughing, unable to move North's hands away. "No fair!" She wheezed, trying and failing to get him to stop his attacks.

"Guys," Carolina said tiredly, a warning evident in her voice.

North kept going for a little longer but relented, giving South a smug, victorious smirk.

South stuck her tongue out at him in retaliation.

Church: (whispering to Tex) This guy is kind of an asshole.

Tex: Yeah, we've met.

Tex snorted.

One of these, day's you gotta give me lessons in your sarcasm. Rider said, making it sound like she was indifferent to whatever her answer is going to be but she really hoped Tex said yes.

Tex squinted at Rider's screen, contemplating. "Maybe," She said finally.

I'll take a maybe! Rider said cheerfully.

Mental image of Church: And I'm Caboose's best friend, so don't get any ideas about kissing up, you lip licking fuck suck!

Church: Okay, there's a lot of stuff in that sentence that I didn't like.

"I bet you it's the whole best friend thing," York chuckled. Carolina hummed in agreement.

Tex: Just play along, Church. We're gonna need these guys if we're gonna find O'Malley.

Tucker: I'm gonna go look for girls! (he leaves)

Church: Fine, whatever.

Caboose: If you want to find O'Malley, I suggest we talk to the reds first. He tried to recruit them against me early on.

Church: The reds? The reds are in here?

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