The Rookies

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Simmons and Grif at the red base. A soldier in red armor is walking up the ramp behind them

Simmons: Hey that's not exactly what happened.

Grif: Yes it is. You said "I'm not going to the Vegas Quadrant," and then the next thing I know you're in an escape pod headed for-

York whistled. "Oh man, the Vegas Quadrant. Haven't thought about that in years. Good times." He grinned, reminiscing about his time at the Vegas Quadrant. That was until he caught Carolina glaring at him. "I meant the food. The all you can eat buffets, ya know?"

Carolina continued to glare at him. "Damn, you know that look is incredibly effective and sexy right?" He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"Ugh, please get a room or shut up York." CT called while South was making gagging motions until North elbowed her.

"I swear, no women were involved." He murmured into her ear. All he got was a grunt.

Donut: Excuse me uh, sirs.

Simmons: Sirs?

Grif: Ah crap.

Donut: I was told to report to Blood Gulch Outpost Number One and speak to whoever's in charge?

Grif: Sorry man, Sarge is at Command getting orders. Ain't nobody in charge today.

Simmons: Actually private, he left me in charge while he's gone.

Grif: You are such a kiss-ass.

Simmons: Also, he told me if I had any trouble from you I should... (clears throat) *imitates Sarge badly* "Git in the Warthog, 'nd crush yer head like a tomato-can."

Grif: That's the worst impression I've ever heard.

"Wash does better." Maine rumbled and Wash shot him a look. "No I don't."

Florida looked over at them interested. "What does he mean?"

York knew exactly what Maine meant. "Wash can do way better impressions. Especially southern accents. Like the Director's. Nails it every single time." York grinned. "Do it."

Wash was startled and shook his head desperately. "What!? No!" He yelped.

"Oh come on Wash. Only me, North, and Maine have heard it. I'm pretty sure everyone wants to hear it." York egged on.

Wash looked around and saw everyone's interest and sighed. "Fine. Just, don't make fun of me," He requested before clearing his throat. "Once again, Agent York has set off the alarms. Good going dumbass. Agent South, I'm fairly certain that soldier is dead so stop beating the shit out of them." Wash said in the most ridiculous Southern accent he could muster, which suspiciously sounded a lot like the Director.

South burst out laughing, not even caring that Wash was mocking her a little. CT, York, and Florida joined her. "That, was fucking amazing." South wheezed, clutching her sides. Everyone else chuckled. Even Tex snickered a little and Carolina cracked a grin. Maine just rumbled with an amused smirk. Wash's entire head was pink from embarrassment but was proud of himself for being able to make his team laugh.

Once all of the laughing had died down, they resumed the show.

Simmons: Okay rookie, what's your story?

Donut: Private Donut reporting for duty, sir. I'm ready to fight some aliens.

Grif: Couple things here, rookie. First off, private Donut? I think somebody needs a new nickname. Secondly, what's with the armor color?

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