What's Mine is Yours

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At blue base, Tucker and Caboose are talking on the upper level.

Tucker: Man, Caboose. You were asleep for a long time. What were you dreaming about?

Caboose: Oh, nothing. I do not like to dream. I try not to think while I'm sleeping.

Tucker: That's pretty much how you function while you're awake, too.

Caboose: I think consistency is important.

"Idiot by day and idiot by night. Sounds like something for a superhero." York chuckled.

A sharp growl caught his attention. York turned around and withered under the glower Niner was giving him. "Message received. No insulting your brother," He mumbled. Unless I can get away with it.

Carolina, somehow able to hear what he was thinking, leaned over and whispered, "I'm not going to help you when she inevitably kicks your ass."

York frowned and crossed his arms.

The camera changes to show Church.

Church: Well, you look ok. Then again, that's just the armor. How do you feel?

Caboose: Great! ...Who're you?

"So if you get rid of the mental image of someone we know, we forget about them entirely?" CT mused over York's snickering.

"I guess?" North shrugged.

"Then I'm getting that when we finish this stupid show," South said. "It has not been nice knowing you bitches and it hasn't been a good time. See ya, fuckers" She gave them a two-fingered salute and the middle finger.

"Yay, she's leaving," Wash muttered and yelped when a (thankfully empty) soda beaned him in the head.

"Can someone please take those away from her!?" Wash demanded, his voice going higher with every word as he rubbed the inflicted area on his head.

North made to grab some but South grabbed his wrist and snarled, "Try and take them and I swear to God I'll slit your fucking throat."

North stayed perfectly still, only moving when South released his wrist after he let out a resigned sigh.

Wash whined woefully when he saw North lose this battle.

"Don't say stupid shit, then," South snapped.

"It's the rookie, you shouldn't expect much," York said loudly.

"Hey!" Wash complained while South grunted in agreement.

Church: Oh, come on! Not this again! How can you seriously not remember me?

Caboose: Oh, of course! I remember you... you're Marvin!

"He does have a Marvin attitude to him," Rider commented.

Wyoming raised a brow. "What is that supposed to mean?"


Church: I'm Church!

Caboose: I think I would remember a name that ridiculous. Nope, you are definitely Phil.

Church: You killed me with the tank.

Caboose: Dave!

Church: You insulted my girlfriend. You called her a cow.

Caboose: Karen!

"Wrong name but right attitude." Rider laughed.

Tucker: Dude, he called her a slut.

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