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The Warthog has Sarge pinned and is slowly firing closer and closer to his head. Doc is still impotently sitting in the driver's seat.

Simmons: Okay, we gotta do something here guys.

Donut: You're right. I got dibs on Sarge's armor.

"Such loyalty," CT muttered into her can of soda before taking a swing.

That got her a couple of amused snorts.

Cut to Blue Base with Tucker kneeling in front of Church. The beeping is still heard.

Tucker: Okay, Church, you ready? I'm gonna yank the wire.

DIY vasectomy, military style. Rider jokes. I bet you've done a few of those, right Tex?

Tex smirked. "Different technique but yeah." Tex eyed some of the men in the room malevolently.

Cut to the Warthog and Sarge.

Sarge: Grif, if you see Lopez, tell him I forgive him. Tell him.. he was like a son to me.

Grif: I thought Simmons was like a son to you?

Sarge: No offense, Simmons. Lopez and I just.. understood each other better.

Simmons: Understood? He refused to speak English!

Grif: Yeah, and he ran away the first chance he got.

Simmons: And now he's trying to kill you with a remote control jeep.

Sarge: Ahhhh, what a little rascal.

Said every demonic cat owner ever while their little demon is turning their arm into a scratch post. Rider jokes.

Wash made a very indignant noise and frowned unhappily, not wanting to be dragged into an argument. Especially with a female teenager. Wash learned that lesson the hard way with his sisters.

Cut to the Blues.

Tucker: Alright, here goes nothin'. One... Two... Three! (pulls the wire, there's a small electrical sound, and the beeping stops)

Church: Oh god, yes! Finally! Some freakin' peace and quiet! I thought that was gonna drive me nuts! ...Hey. Why can't I move my legs?

York snorted and Carolina rolled her eyes.

Wash leaned forward around Maine to look at Niner. "Do you think you could've done it right?" He asked curiously.

Niner pressed her lips together. Planes and cars are one thing, a working functioning robot is something else entirely. "Just because I can work planes and cars doesn't mean I know how to operate everything mechanical," Niner said, crossing her arms.

"Oh," Wash looked down, a little flustered. "I just thought—"

"Wash, buddy, do the smart thing and stop while you're ahead," York advised. "Or Niner's gonna throw something else at you." He added as an afterthought.

Cut to the Warthog which stops firing.

Warthog: (emits its series of beeps, shutting down) Signal lost.

Grif: Wow, that was a close one. Are you okay, Sarge?

Sarge: Ah, horse puckey, I'm fine. Although I do have to admit, maybe a little bit disappointed.

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