Chapter 49

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James and Lily woke up the next morning, well aware that at breakfast they would receive their test results. After doing their morning routines were complete, they headed down to the Great Hall. They entered the Great Hall, all evidence of the giant food fight gone.

"Ready to find out your scores." Alice asked as James and Lily sat down.

"Little nervous, but ready." Lily said.

"Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew." Mcgonagall said as she approached the table, a stern look upon her face.

"Yes Minnie." Sirius replied, batting his eyes.

"Have you managed truely your mischief?" Mcgonagall asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I solemnly swear that we have finished." James said, raising his right hand.

"Good." Mcgonagall said, unable to keep a small grin off her face. "Here are your test results by the way."

Mcgonagall handed Lily a stack of envelopes, which were quickly disseminated to the proper person, the sound of ripping paper sounding constantly. Lily's eyes darted across her paper and a feeling of relief came over her.

"How'd you do?" James asked.

"All 'outstanding's'." Lily replied.

"Same." James said, handing Lily his paper. The table was alive as everyone talked about their grades, everyone managing to have passed them, including Peter.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sirius asked.

"I don't tend to think about dog things." Remus said, the table getting a good laugh.

"Graduation party?" Sirius asked, looking towards James and Lily. James and Lily looked at each other for a moment before turning back to Sirius.

"A small one." Lily said, pointing a finger at Sirius. "We have to pack up and make sure we're ready for graduation tomorrow."

"That won't take long." Remus said.

"For some of you." Lily said. "But I want to take my time and enjoy our little time here that we have left."

"I have an idea for that." James said, a grin on his face.

"I bet you do." Marlene said, smirking.

"Get your head out of the gutter." James said as others laughed and Lily blushed. They all ate breakfast together, and after they finished James lead Lily down to the quidditch pitch.

"Would you take this flight with me?" James asked Lily, holding out his hand while his broom was slung over his shoulder. Lily grabbed James' hand and followed James outside. James mounted his broom, then had Lily carefully mounted it behind him, and James kicked off.

They flew around the castle and it's grounds, James taking care to not pull any sudden maneuvers which would throw his passenger off. After a long flight, which Lily began to find slightly uncomfortable and was amazed at how unbothered James appeared, they landed and James packed up his quidditch equipment, and together they walked back to the Great Hall.

They entered, ready for their final Hogwarts dinner. They joined their friends and took their usual spot, waiting for Dumbledore's end of term speach.

"Good evening everyone as we come together for one final dinner." Dumbledore began. "Firstly, I want to thank our head students, James Potter and Lily Evans, for the excellent leadership they demonstrated throughout the year."

"Secondly, I want to thank all of our prefects who provided assistance to our head students and staff."

"Thirdly, I want to again, congratulate the Gryffindor quidditch team on a truely dominating year, culminating in claiming the quidditch cup."

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