Chapter 25

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Lily awoke on Christmas morning with a smile. Christmas was her favorite holiday, and although Petunia had been becoming more and more cold, her friends had always managed to find a way to make it better, but today was going to be different. No matter how hard she would try, Petunia couldn't ruin her mood because tonight she was going to see James again, and go to that ball.

Lily got up and headed down stairs to the living room.

"Merry Christmas Lily." Her mother said sipping a tea.

"Merry Christmas Mum." Lily said, walking over and giving her mother a hug. "Merry Christmas Dad, Merry Christmas Petunia."

"Merry Christmas Lils." Her father said as he walked in, Petunia mumbled her reply. The family sat around, exchanging and opening presents, Lily very thankful for the new books her parents had got her, although she had to pretend she liked the empty picture frames.

After opening everything, Lily headed upstairs to grt dressed. She glanced at her clock, then headed back downstairs.

"What time is James coming over again?" Her mother asked.

"I told him 11." Lily replied, glancing at the clock, which read 10:20.

"It's good to see him again." Mum said, smiling as she turned back to the kitchen.

Lily was blankly staring out the small kitchen window when, with a pop, James appeared, causing her mother to startle. Lily ran to the kitchen door and threw it open as James walked towards her.

"Sorry if I startled anyone." He said as she threw her arms around his neck.

"It's ok, come in, it's cold out here." She said, and she lead him inside.

"You startled me there James." Lily's mom said as Lily and James entered."

"Sorry about that." James apologized. "Figured I would cut down on the walk by apparating in the yard as opposed to that alleyway I had last time."

"It's all ok, just didn't expect it." Lily's mom said. "John, James is here."

"Ok, I'll be there in a few." John yelled back from the hall.

"Come sit, lunch is almost ready." Lily's mom said. James followed Lily to the dining room and took their seats.

"How has your Christmas been so far James?" Lily's mom asked as she entered with a platter, Lily's father and Petunia behind her.

"It's been good, Sirius is upset Mum's making him wait on present opening." James said.

"Is he ever gonna grow up?" Lily asked.

"It's Sirius." James said, laughing.

"True." Lily replied, unable to keep herself from laughing.

Lily's parents and Petunia joined James and Lily at the table, and they dug into the marvelous meal made by Lily's mother. Lily's parents continually asked James questions about his parents and his life in the wizarding world, while Petunia did her utmost to ignore James and Lily outright.

"Well I suppose it's about time we let you two go." Lily's mother said, looking at the clock.

"But first," Lily's father said, pulling a small wrapped box out from under the table. "We got you a little something."

"May I be excused?" Petunia asked as she stood up, clearly attempting to be polite.

"Yes." Lily's father said. "So, it's been tradition on my side of the family for the first male child to receive a watch. Now technically it's supposed to go to the walrus, but as I like you far better." Lily had to stifle her laugh as she watched her mother swap from a loving gaze on James to a stare that would rival Mcgonagall as Lily's father pushed the box towards James.

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