Chapter 13

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Lily POV

"Any other questions?" I asked. "No, ok."

"Thank you for coming, have a goodnight." James said. We watched the prefects leave after our meeting, most of them bidding us a goodnight, although Lucious and Narcissa scowled at us.

"That seemed to go well." I say as I begin collecting my papers.

"I told you I'm full of good ideas." James says, winking at me and I just roll my eyes. "Plus with tomorrow being a Hogsmeade weekend, everyone can start their costume hunting."

"So, what will you be?" I ask.

"You'll find out then."James says. I bat my eyes at him, and he just laughs. "I won't tell you no matter how cute you look." He brushes hair away from my forehead and kisses it.

"Fine." I say, unable to stop myself from blushing. "I'm gonna meet Marlene, Alice, and Mary in the library. See you in the common room later."

"Ok, have fun Lils." He says, and I gave him a cheek and walk out, a big smile on my face.

I'm almost to the library when I hear voices coming from a classroom.

"It would be very wise to take the Dark Lord's offer, McKinnon." A male voice says. "If not you an your family will suffer." Lily gasped, and before she knew it, the door flung open and she was dragged in.

James POV

"So, you guy's know what you'll dress as?" Sirius says, leaning back in a chair. 

"I was thinking of JRR Tolkien, muggle author." Remus said, looking up from a book. "What about you Pads?"

"I've been debating on either David Bowe or Freddy Mercury." He said.

"Just promise you won't sing, cause frankly you can't mate." I said, quickly ducking an apple hurled at me by Sirius.

"Alrighty then, what will you be?" Sirius said, still acting hurt from my comment about him singing.

"I haven't really decided. Kinda stuck between James Bond, or Han Solo." I said. "What about you Pete?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll have Moons help me look up some famous wizard and do that. Surprised you guys are all going with muggles." Peter said, and we all shrugged.

"You know Bowe is a wizard, right Pete?" Sirius said, a huge grin across his face. Pete shook his head, his face turning red. "It's ok Pete. You know what, I'm gonna get some butter beers quick. You got the map Prongs?" I take it out of my pocket and toss it to him. Sirius opens it up, and suddenly goes pale.

"You need to see this, quick." He says, point a finger at the map. Peter, Remus, and I all get up and walk over, looking at the spot where Remus is point. Oh, no.

Lily POV

I can't make out everyone's faces because it's dark and there are at least a dozen people with hoods on.

"So, little miss head mudblood, what should be do with you?" A gruff voice says. "You know how rude it is to eavesdrop." Before I can do a think, ropes appear around my body, forcing my hands to my sides and I'm kicked into a chair.

"While I would just love, to kill you, the dark lord himself is willing to look past your blood status." A different voice says. I look around quickly, trying to spot Marlene.

"Nobody is coming to rescue you." A third voice says.  "You have a choice to make."

"Please, take it. You'll be safe." A different voice whispers in my ear, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Snape.

"How do I know that he'll keep his word?" I say, trying to make my voice sound as calm as I could.

"You trust him." Another new voice said. I rack my brain, trying to figure a way out of my current situation.

"We already told you, nobody will come for you." The gruff voice said.

"Why would he want me anyways?" I said.

"We were told to give the message, so answer it!" another voice said. How many people are here!!!

James POV

We kept checking the map as we ran through the halls.

"What is going on?!" Frank asked us as we slowed to a walk.

"The girls are in trouble, now shush!" Sirius said. I looked at Frank briefly, and his normal friendly expression was replaced of one with sheer resolve.

"Ok, they're in that room down there." I said, pointing to a door. "Ok, I'm gonna blast the door open, Remus you give us some light, then we rush in. Hopefully Peter won't be too far behind with Mcgonagall." They all nod and I quickly point my wand at the map and mutter "mischief managed" under my breath, and the map goes blank. We looked around the corridor quick, looking to see if there was someone outside to warn the group of death eater jr.'s inside.

"Let's do this." Sirius said, barely above a whisper. I nodded, and pointed my wand at the door.

"Give us an answer!" a voice said on the other side of the door.

Lily POV

"Give us an answer!" the second voice said. Before I could open my mouth there was a loud crash from behind me. I turned to see a pair of figures run in, and a third stand in the open doorway for a second, a bright light erupting from their wand, temporarily blinding me.

James POV

I dash in, and immediately feel my blood boil because I notice someone with auburn hair tied to a chair. I quickly bound through the caos, dodging hexs and curses while I return a few, and push the chair over.

"Stay down, Lils." I say, jumping in front of her.

"James!" She exclaims. "I don't have my wand! And I'm tied down!"

"Accio Lily's wand." I say, and I'm struck in the back of the head by something. "What the bloody -"

"My wand, I can reach it." Lily says. I look back and I see Lily hopping around to grab her wand with her hands. Before I had a moment to think, there was a mad rush to the door my hooded figures and I tried to hit as many as I could, but I couldn't tell how many I hit. I jumped to my feet and began to head for the door, when Mcgonagall walked in.

"Potter, explain now!!!!" She yelled, her hands on her hips.

"We heard people giving an ultimatum about joining Voldy, so we politely entered and we were met by curses." I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Potter, I have no patience for lies." Mcgonagall said, anger dripping with every syllable. Befire I could answer there was a scream from the corner.

"MARY!!!!!" I spun around to see Lily leaning over Mary's unmoving body.

"Minerva, what's happening!" Madam Pince said, wand in hand, Professor Flitwick running down the hall.

"Irma, get Poppy now!!! Filius get here now!!" Mcgonagall said, pushing past me and rushing to Mary.

I took a second to look around the room. Alice was silently sobbing in Frank's arms, Sirius and Marlene holding each other, and Remus walking around the room, restraining the unconscious figures that lay across the ground.

"She's alive." Mcgonagall said, and a collective sigh could be heard. "Who are they, Mr.Lupin?"

"McNair, Mulciber, Granner, and Zambini." Remus said.

"Carson is under the door." Sirius said.

"Ok, I can handle them now. All of you head straight to my office. Do not go anywhere else or talk with anyone about this, understand?" Mcgonagall said, and we all acknowledged her.

I walked over to Lily, placing my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, tears filling her emerald eyes. She nodded and stood up. She placed her hand in mine, made one more glance to Mary's unconscious body on the floor, then we turned and followed everyone else to Mcgonagall's office.

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