Chapter 30

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Lily woke up early, excited to go back to Hogwarts, and she would get to see James again, as she had gone home the day after the ball to spend some time with her parents. She quickly packed the few things she had left out, took a quick shower, and got dressed. Downstairs she ate breakfast with her parents, Petunia had spent the night at Vernon's. After breakfast was done, her father helped load her things in the car, and they headed off to King's Cross Station, Lily bubbling with excitement.

James arrived with his parents and Sirius at the spot where most wizards apparated to, then walked into the station together, the boys carrying their belongings. As they headed towards the pillar that separated platforms 9 and 10, James spotted a very familar red head walking with her parents. They watched as the red head and her parents walked straight through a pillar and disappeared.

"You two ready?" Euphemia asked.

"Yeah, let's go." James said, and he walked towards the pillar, and then through it and onto Platform 9 3/4. James looked around at all of the bustling, a smile on his face. He went from taking in the familar sight, to looking for that red head, and he spotted her talking with her friends, her parents watching a short way away.

"It's awesome to have you back, Dorcas." Lily said, oblivious to James walking up behind her. "You have to tell us everything. You can tonight in the head dorm."

"Ok." Dorcas said, spotting James sneaking up on Lily. Before Dorcas could say anything, Lily found herself suddenly being picked up by a pair of strong arms.

"Put me down James." Lily said, trying to not laugh.

"Fine." James fake pouted. "Can I steal you quick from them?"

"Sure." Lily said. "I'll see you girls on the train."

"So." James began after he had taken a few steps with Lily. "I figured since both of our parents are here right now, we might as well introduce them."

"Sure, but we don't have too long until we get on the train." Liky said.

"Ok, I'll go get mine then." James said and he walked off as Lily headed towards her parents.

"Was that James?" Her mother asked as Lily joined her parents.

"Yeah, it was." Lily said.

"Doesn't want to see us?" Her father questioned.

"He does," Lily said. "He's just getting his parents so you can meet them." Both of her parents nodded, and they watched as James reappeared with his parents by his side.

"Mum, dad, these are Lily's parents." James said, gesturing towards Lily's parents.




"Willow." The four adults said, shaking each others hands.

"You do seem familar." John said to Fleamont. "Don't you have that big house with those weird posts with hoops in the backyard."

"We do." Fleamont said. "Did we have you guy's work on our electricity?"

"I believe we did." John said. "How is it?"

"Love it." Fleamont said. "I find it amazing how you guys have so many ways to do things that we simply use magic for."

"Well, we hate to cut in." James said.

"But we do kinda have to get on the train." Lily said. Fleamont and John chuckled briefly, then the parents said goodbye.

"That seemed like it went well." James said, stepping aside so Lily could get on the train first.

The Stag and the DoeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz