Chapter 40

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The quidditch match was the talk of the school, most of the talk centering around James' spectacular goal. The excitement over the goal was so high, James actually got to classes late as so many people wanted to talk to him about it in the hall's. It was during lunch, that they were eating in the head room to avoid the extra attention, that James talked about it to the Marauder's and Lily.

"Like I do appreciate it all, but it's a tad annoying." James said.

"What did Lily do to you?" Sirius asked. "She made you humble"

"I wouldn't say I've gotten that far with him." Lily said, unable to stop from laughing.

"Very funny Pad's." James said as he tossed an apple at Sirius, who ducked it.

"Whatever Prongsie." Sirius said. "You have any plan for your birthday tomorrow?"

"I know you four are working on a party." James said.

"What makes you think that?" Sirius asked, pretending to be hurt.

"Because you love parties." James said, the other three laughing.

"He's got you there." Peter said.

"And you love them for the food." Sirius retorted, everyone now rolling with laughter.

"Just as long as I can finish the essay for Minnie before the party," James began. "Won't have time tonight because I have to finish Flitwick's."

"Easy enough for me." Sirius said, and the group went back to non serious conversation as they ate before they went to their afternoon classes.

The next morning Lily made sure to wake up before James, snatching his invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map, and making her way down to the kitchen.

"Good morning Mistress Lily." One of the little house elves squeaked.

"Good morning Poppet, how are you?" Lily asked.

"We are very well." The little elf replied. "How can we help you, mistress?"

"Well, it's James birthday today, so I was wondering if you could help me with a little breakfast and dinner with him." Lily asked, she had give. up trying to have the house elves stop calling her 'mistress'.

"We would love to help Mistress Lily for Master James' birthday." Poppet squeaked happily.

"Thank you all very much." Lily said. "I can make him breakfast, I just need to grab what I need to make it, is that ok?"

"It's more than ok." Poppet answered. The little elf lead Lily to the pantry, which was about half the size of the Great Hall. She helped Lily grab what she needed, then Lily grabbed the cloak and map, and left. She had to take a little detour as she came upon Peeves locking classroom doors, but she managed to get back before James awoke. Lily got to work quickly, making breakfast, plating and covering it, then she carried it upstairs.

"Good morning birthday boy." Lily whispered in James' ear.

"Mhmmmm." James said, rolling over to face her and opening his eyes. "Thank you."

"I got you something." Lily said. "You have to sit up though." James did so, also grabbing his glasses. Once he was sitting, Lily placed the tray on his lap and removed the cover.

"Oh, you didn't have to." James said, amazed at how nice the french toaster platter looked.

"I wanted to," Lily said, giving him a kiss. "Happy birthday." They ate breakfast together, both James and Lily amazed how well it came out. After breakfast, James and Lily headed off for their classes, James still being hounded about his goal, much to his annoyance and Lily's entertainment.

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