Chapter 12

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James POV

I feel a stirring in my bed and I open my eyes, finding Lily's bright green eyes staring up at me.

"How long have you been admiring me?" I ask, my fingers playing in her auburn hair.

"Long enough." She says, a smile across her face. "Please don't be mad, but I have a question."

"About last night?" I say.

"Umm, yeah." She says, her smile disappearing. "Before I ask, please don't be mad at me, or Marlene and Mary. Marlene thought you guys were gonna go do a prank and wanted to follow. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't, not until..."

"Saw us?" I say, she nods and swallows.

"I made them swear not to tell anyone." She says.

"I believe you." I say, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"You do?" She asks and I nod. "I was racking my brain to figure out how to convince you to believe me."

"IF YOU TWO ARE DONE SHAGGING GET DOWN HERE!!!!!" the very unmistakable voice of Sirius yells from downstairs. I just shake my head and roll out of bed. I feel a tug on my arm behind me and I turn to see Lily standing behind.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"It's ok." I tell her. She places both her hands on my chest, and our lips meet. I'm in heaven, until a banging on our door ruins the moment.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK!!!!!!!" Lily yells as she begins to storm to the door, grabbing her wand from my nightstand. She throws the door open, Sirius standing on the other side with Marlene over his left shoulder. The smile on Sirius' face disappears as Lily raises her wand at him.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hex you through the wall!" Lily exclaims, still huffing.

"I'll give you two." Sirius says, attempting a smile, which causes Lily to grow even more red. "First, it's my birthday. Second,"

"We need to talk about last night." Remus says as he walks up behind Marlene. Lily immediately calms down and lowers her wand.

"We'll wait for you guys to get ready, we brought breakfast from the kitchens on the way over." Marlene said and grabbed Sirius and Remus, and led them away. Lily turned and walked back to me.

"Sorry." She says. I give her a quick kiss and hold her.

"It's ok firecracker." I say and I look down at her face nestled in my chest and she's blushing. "Let's get ready."

Marlene POV

The wait downstairs is excruciating, the only one who seems to be enjoying themselves is Peter as he's busy eating. After a few minutes James and Lily come down, full dressed and ready. Everyone took a deep breath.

"Why did you follow us?" Remus asks.

"We thought you guys were gonna go do a prank, so we wanted to prank you guys after it." I say. "Honestly."

"We haven't told anybody. Lily says, and Mary and myself nod. Remus nods as he looks at his feet.

"What I'm about to tell you is to not leave this room." Remus says and we nod. "I'm, I'm, I'm a werewolf. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, just please don't tell anyone."

"We're not gonna stop being your friends." I say.

"I'm a monster." He says, still unable to look up.

"Remus." Lily says. "You're a kind hearted man, you can't let something you have absolutely no control over once a full moon dictate who you are."

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