Chapter 35

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Late one evening, there was a sudden burst of energy and commotion in the head dorm.

"Come on James, get the cloak and map." Lily called out.

"I'm coming." He yelled back, rushing down the stairs.

"Where do you suggest?" Lily asked, bubbling with excitement.

"Quidditch pitch, it'll be empty." James said, throwing the cloak over himself and Lily.

"We clear?" She asked.

"Yeah, look's clear all the way, not even Peeves." James said, looking at the map.

They rushed out of the castle, their feet visible under the cloak as they ran down to the quidditch pitch.

"What now?" Lily asked excitedly, looking at the potion in her hand.

"Drink it." James said and Lily began to do so. She felt an intense burning sensation in her chest, and a feeling of a second heart beat, then in her mind, a create began to form.

"I think I got it!" Lily exclaimed.

"Then give it a try." James suggested, smiling wide. He watched eagerly as Lily closed her eyes, then suddenly, where Lily had just been standing, there was a doe with auburn fur behind the ears. James laughed as the doe ran in circles around him awkwardly, as if trying to get used to its legs. After a few moments, the doe changed back into Lily.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed, then she looked at herself and realized she was naked. "What?"

"There over there." James pointed to where she initially transformed. "You have to consciously think about changing your clothes with you." For a moment, Lily had a sheepish smile on her face, but then it turned into a mischievous one. Before James could do anything, Lily lunged forward, tackling James and ending up on top of him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, surprised.

"You're telling me you never fantasized about this?" She teased.

"Well, yes." James said, unable to stop himself from grinning.

"Well, why don't we make it come true." Lily grinned, winking.

"Lily Evans you little minx." James said as she grinned wider. All James could do was grin as Lily casted a silencing charm and a disillusionment charm around themselves before she turned back to him.

James and Lily joined their friends for breakfast the next morning, both of them still on a high about the previous nights escapades.

"You two look really happy." Marlene observed as they sat down.

"I was able to do it." Lily whispered.

"Do what?" Alice asked.

"Become an animagus." Lily whispered back, and Alice and Mary shrieked with excitement.

"That's not all." Marlene prodded with a grin.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Lily said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Where did you go for her transformation?" Marlene asked James.

"The quidditch pitch." James said without looking up as he was busy reading a letter which had just dropped infront of him.

"Lily." Marlene said, pretending to sound aghast.

"Marlene." Lily said back in the same tone.

"What did sweet, innocent Lily do?" Dorcas asked as she sat down.

"She isn't innocent anymore." Marlene said. Dorcas gave a slight gasp, but James spoke before she could say anything.

"We have another lessons tonight." He said, still not looking up. "We're meeting down at Hagrid's after dinner."

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