Chapter 9

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James POV

The excitement around the castle is almost palpable as today is the first trip to Hogsmeade. I leave my dorm early to meet the guys in the Great Hall because I need them to help me with something.

When I enter the Great Hall, about half of the students and staff are there, and the rest of the guys are sitting in our normal spot.

"What's on your mind Prongsie?" Sirius asks as I sit down.

"Is it about Hogsmeade?" Peter asks as he piles his plate.

"Sorta." I say. Remus and Sirius exchange smirks.

"It's about the tradition, isn't it." Sirius says with a sly smile.

"Yes." I say with a slight sigh. Sirius' grin widened.

"Are you scared Prongs." He said.

"No, I'm not." I say. "I just don't want to ruin our friendship we've built. What if she says no? What will happen? What if she doesn't feel that way about me?"

"Merlin, James. She was crying at your bedside three weeks ago. Even Peter can see she has feelings toward you." Sirius says.

"Hey!" Peter objects as he grabs a piece of toast.

"Sorry Peter." Sirius says with a grin.

"James, look at the the things you two have done together besides your assigned duties." Remus says.

"As friends." I say.

"It's tradition anyways, James. Why break it now?" Peter says, getting us all to laugh.

"James, just do it, ok?" Sirius says.

"Fine." I say, slightly defeated.

Lily POV

"Do you think he's gonna ask?" I ask to Marlene, Alice, and Mary.

"Lily, it's a tradition." Marlene says. "You really think he won't?"

"Maybe," I say. "He doesn't seem like the same person. He's matured a lot."

"You know how people get stuck in with traditions." Alice says.

"Where's Dorcas when you need her?" Mary says and we all laugh. Dorcas is spending the first half of our final year in France with the Beauxbaton's at their school. We have all been writing to her, keeping her updated with all the news from Hogwarts.

"She told you to ask him if he doesn't ask you." Marlene says and we all laugh.

"I guess nothing will happen if we hide here all morning." I say. "Let's go get breakfast, I'm hungry."

James POV

We're talking amongst ourselves about where we want to go during the full moon tomorrow night when Peter elbows me.

"What was that for?" I ask and he nods over to the entrance. There's Lily walking down with her friends, her auburn hair tied into a bun, wearing a simple white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black shoes, but still is the best looking person in the room.

"It's time to ask." Sirius says with a huge grin.

"She has to be sitting first." Peter says.

"Will you two shut it." I snap. Lily sits next to me, with Mary on her right, Marlene next to Sirius, with Alice sitting a little further away with Frank. "Good morning, Lily."

"Good morning James." She says, a beautiful smile on her face, her eyes sparkling at me. "Excited for Hogsmeade?"

"Of course." I say. I guess it's time. I hop up on the table, everyone but the first years knows what's about to happen.

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