Chapter 21

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James POV

The weeks after I got out of the hospital wing from my quidditch injury were rather busy. Lily and Remus helping me with class as I had to leave a few early due to headaches, as well as trying to run quidditch practices while being grounded.

The weather had also been changing, and it was on the very first day of December when snow fell for the first time upon Hogwarts.

"SNOW!!!!!" Sirius yelled as we all walked together back from Hagrid's. We all laughed at him as he and Peter immediately began a snow eating competition.

"I wait until January to eat snowflakes, they taste better." Marlene said rather nonchalantly. I just shook my head and looked over to Lily, and my heart melted.

She was standing, a radiant smile on her face, her emerald eyes bright with life, snowflakes sprinkled through her auburn hair, her scarf tucked tightly around her neck.

"Can I help you Potter?" She asked playfully, putting her hands on her hips.

"Just overwhelmed by your beauty." I said, Lily blushing at my comment. She twirled around, her hair whipping around.

"James is gonna melt into the ground if you keep doing that." Marlene said, teasingly, my face growing hot immediately. Lily grabbed my arm and we began to dance together as the snow came down.

A few hours later I found myself sitting on the couch in our common room with Lily laying on my lap.

"Hey Lils." I said as I played with her hair.

"Yes?" She replied.

"What would you want for Christmas?" I asked.

"I don't no, I haven't given it too much thought yet." She said. "What about you?"

"I already got my present here." I said.

"Merlin, you are soooo cheesy and dorky, you know that?" She said, laughing. I cracked a smile and laughed along with her. We laid together for a little while later, until she remembered she had to finish an essay for History of Magic.

"James." She cooed from the desk after she set her quill down.

"Yes Lils." I said.

"I need help." She said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Getting to bed." She said, a smile appearing on her lips. I laughed as I stood up and walked over. She giggled as I picked her up and held to me tightly as I carried her up to my room. I placed her on my bed and turned around to get changed. I turned back around and found Lily laying on his bed.

"Is that my quidditch jersey?" I asked and she grinned.

"It maybe your own from last year." She said, wiggling on my bed. I couldn't help but laugh as she smiled up at me, giving me puppy eyes.

"You're adorable." I said getting in my bed and pulling her close.

"I know you can't resist it." She said.

"And you say I'm big headed." I said, laughing. She laughed as well, slapping my arm gently.

"Goodnight James." She said, giving me a kiss.

"Goodnight Lils." I said kissing her back, and I closed my eyes.

Lily POV

The follow week of school went quick, and before I knew it was time for the last Hogsmeade trip before Christmas break.

"SHOPPING TIME!!!!!" Mary yelled as soon as her feet hit the ground from jumping out of the carriage.

"We really should give her a calming draught before these trips." I said, everyone laughing.

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