Chapter 15

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Lily POV

"Lily, you need to stop this, this is ridiculous." Marlene says. It's been a week since I blew up at James, and I haven't been able to face him.

"You know he loves you, just apologize." Mary says.

"Oh, yeah. 'Hey James, I'm sorry I was a complete ass, will you forgive me?' I can't even face him." I say.

"Can't face who?" Sirius says as he joins us at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. I bury my head in my hands.

"Lily can't see to work up the courage to apologize to James." Marlene said. I'm too embarrassed to even slap her arm.

"Oh Lilyflower." Sirius says. "Please, just go and talk with him. He's been unbearable."

"That isn't helping." I say, my head still in my hands.

"Seriously Lily, what's the worst that will happen?" Marlene says, and I look up in time to see Marlene slaps Sirius' arm before he can make a joke.

"Lily, he spent how long trying to get you?" Sirius says. "He's not going to give up on you, just go and talk with him. He's in the head dorms still."

"Ok, I'll go." I say, feeling defeated. I get up and make my way out of the hall and head towards our dorms. I'm almost there when I hear someone call out my name. I turn around and see Corwin McClaggen walking towards me.

"How are you Lily?" He asks.

"I'm doing fine, unfortunately I don't have time to talk right now." I say, hoping to cut our conversation before it starts.

"I won't take long." He said. Great. "I noticed you and Potter haven't been talking. so I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of going with me to Hogsmeade next weekend."

"I will never do you any sort of pleasure McClaggen, so bugger off." I said, my hand going into my pocket for my wand.

"Come on Evans, I can show you what it's like to be with a real man." He said, smirking at me.

"You are the furthest rging from a real man, stop lying to yourself." I said, my fingers closing around my wand. "Now leave me alone!"

"But Evans," He said, but he was cut off.

"No means no, now fuck off!!" James said, walking up and placing his arm around me. I look up to him, his face contorted in anger, and I see his hand shoot into his pocket.

"Like you ever listened to that." McClaggen scoffed.

"He has self respect to not and try and take a girl who is already taken, now bugger off for the last time." I said, rage filling my body as I drew my wand. McClaggen looked at the both of us, exhaled rather obnoxiously, then turned and walked. I watched him, trying to convince myself it wasn't worth it to hex him, when James cleared his throat.

"Umm, Lily?" He asked. I looked up at him, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Can we talk?"

"Yes, let's head to our dorms, I don't like talking in public about relationship stuff." I said, and his eyes gained a little bit of life in them. I took his hand and followed him to our dorm, sitting on our couch together.

"I'm sorry." James said, I could see the pain in his eyes. Why did I do this to him?

"It's not your fault James, it's mine. I'm the one who should apologize." I say, I can feel my eyes filling with tears. "I had no reason to react the way I did, I think I was just overwhelmed by everything that happened. I wanted to apologize immediately, but I was to embarrassed too."

"Lily, I love you, I want us to work. You're the only person I've ever loved, just don't tell Sirius, he'll get jealous." James said, and I could help but laugh. "Come here." And then I felt his arms around me, his powerful, comforting arms, and I felt myself melt into him.

"I'm sorry, I love you." I say, holding onto him tighter.

"Now, I do love being like this, but we should get to class." James said, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

"Ok." I said. "Just one condition."

"What?" He says, releasing me enough to look down at me.

"You gotta give me a kiss first." I say and he laughs.

"Not going to lie, I didn't expect that request." James said, then he leaned down and our lips met, and I felt even more relief come over me.

After what felt like an eternity he pulled away, and I felt him whipe away the tears of joy that had fallen during our kiss.

"Let's head out, don't want to keep your favorite professor waiting." He said, a smile on his face and sparkles in his eyes, and I had to try my hardest not to cry, just so happy to see his smile again.

We got up and headed out. James giving me one more kiss before we left our dorm.

"By the way, would you want to go to Hogsmeade next weekend?" James asked.

"Of course." I said. "We need to pick out our costumes for the party while we're there."

"Gotta decided on a costume first." James said and we both laughed.

We entered the potions classroom together, and I saw Marlene shoot me a 'about time' look and I just ignored it.

"You two finally kiss and make up." She whispered as I walked by, low enough only I heard it.

"Shove it Marls." I whispered back, but I couldn't keep an angry face and broke into a smile.

"What was that about?" James asked as we sat down at our table together.

"Nothing, I'll tell you later." I said.

"Ok." He replied, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead, and then Professor Slughorn walked in to start class.

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