Chapter 5

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Lily POV

I wake up and get out of bed and head down into the common room. It's been about two weeks since James and I had our talk, and he's pack to his confident self, and he hasn't been arrogant. When I get there I find James sitting at the table in the kitchen, hunched over parchment.

"Good morning James." I say.

"Good morning Lily." He says, giving me a quick smile, then turns back to his parchment.

"What do you have there?" I say, walking over to him.

"Stuff for quidditch tryouts." He says, grabbing a different piece of parchment.

"Are those today?" I ask.

"Yeah, right after breakfast." He says. "Wanna make sure I got everything right. I wanna put together the best team possible."

"Well, I know you will." I say. "Do you wanna go down for breakfast or eat here?"

"Suppose we could join our friends." He says.

"Ok, I'll get changed and go down with you." I say. He smiles and says,

"Ok, I'll get dressed too." I enter my room and go into my trunk. I grab a pair of blue jeans and a maroon shirt, and a pair of white sneakers. I go into my bathroom and get cleaned up, then come out and get dressed.

James POV

I'm standing in our common room, I got my papers shoved into my back pocket of my jeans, and I'm fiddling with my t-shirt. I hear a door open and turn to the stairs, waiting for Lily to come down. When she reaches the bottom she's beautiful. Her auburn hair is pulled up in a ponytail at the back of her head. She's wearing a maroon shirt and blue jeans, and has on a pair white sneakers

" You look beautiful, Lily." I say and she blushes slightly.

"Thank you. You're quite handsome yourself." She says.

"Thank you." I say. I can feel myself blushing. "Now, would you care to join me and our friends for breakfast?" I put out my hand, which she walks over and takes.

"Well, yes I will." She says, and we both laugh. We make our way to the Great Hall.

We walk into the hall together, finding all our friends sitting together talking together.

"He guys." Lily says as we get near, and they all wave at us.

"Ready today James?" Marlene asks him.

"Yeah, fortunately we only need two new players." I say. I grab some eggs, toast, and sausage, and we all continue our talk about quidditch, but everyone avoids talking about the last game we had last year, an embarrassing loss to Ravenclaw in the quidditch cup final that I still haven't forgiven myself for.

McGonagall walks over as we eat.

"Excited for today, Mr.Potter?" She asks.

"Excited and nervous, professor." I say. "Don't want to let you down again." She laughs, I know how much she cares about quidditch, I've even heard her yell at Madam Hooch as I've flown by.

"You'll do fine Potter." She says. "And stop beating yourself up for last year, it's not your fault that Johnson and Tanners got hurt."

"I know, professor." I say, bowing my head slightly. I feel her place her hand on my shoulder, and I look up and McGonagall gives me a warm smile, then she walks away.

"I didn't know how serious she took quidditch." Lily says.

"I don't think there's much she doesn't take seriously." Sirius says.

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