Chapter 29

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Lily woke up on new year's eve to find James getting out of the shower.

"Good workout?" Lily asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

"Well, at this pace Gryffindor will win the quidditch cup again." James said, throwing the towel off onto the floor and jumping on the bed.

"You're still wet." Lily said, laughing.

"And are you?" James asked, cocking a smile.

"JAMES POTTER." Lily said, playfully slapping his arm.

"Lily Evans!" James said mockingly.

"It's way to early for this." Lily said as James rolled onto her.

"We have all day until the ball, gotta fill it up somehow." James said.

"We are not shagging all afternoon." Lily said.

"Who said that's what I was thinking?" James said.

"Because you're laying on me naked." Lily said.

"Well, you distracted me." James said. He began to get up when Lily threw her arms around him and pulled him back down.

"Did I say you could get up?" Lily said in a mischievous voice.

"Lily Evans you minx." James said, his sly smile returning. "Thought you said we couldn't shag all day."

"I did say we couldn't all day," Lily said. "Never said anything about right now."

"You-" James began to say before Lily's lips crashed on his.

"So, how was your morning?" Marlene asked when Lily and James came down for breakfast.

"Fine, why?" Lily asked trying to sound innocent.

"Well, James has that goofy smile on his face." Marlene said as Lily took a seat next to her. "And you forgot silencing charms."

"Oh." Lily said, her face immediately turning red.

"Yo, Sirius." James said as Sirius walked in. "You got any plans to kill the time until tonight?"

"A few." Sirius said.

"Good ones?" Marlene asked teasingly.

"Depends on who you ask." Sirius said, winking back to her. "I mean, there's things like wizard chess, can do a little quidditch practice if you want. Also got some of those muggle board games."

"You have some?" Lily asked, surprised.

"Yeah, my parents enjoy quite a few of them." James said. "Scrabble, risk, monopoly."

"Let's do monopoly, that should take plenty of time." Lily said, hopping to her feet. She lead everyone back to James' room, who had briefly stopped to grab the game out of a closet on the way. James opened the box and set up the board as Lily grabbed the money and pieces.

"I call banker." She said as set herself up.

"I get the dog." Marlene said.

"But I am a dog." Sirius whined.

"Puppy eyes won't work on me Black." Marlene said as she grabbed the dog token. Everyone laughed as the started the game, which took then through lunch, until Lily finally won.

"Alright, it's time for us to start getting ready anyways." Marlene said as Sirius faked a little temper tantrum. The girls laughed as they got up and left, bumping into Fleamont on their way, who looked slightly stressed.

"Is everything ok?" Lily asked.

"Yes, just the normal stress of it all." Fleamont said, flashing a smile immediately. "I do have those items ready for you by the way."

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