Chapter 50

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The Marauder's and Maraudett's made their way along the train, until they came to their compartment. They all squeezed in, the compartment barely big enough for them all to fit in.

"When did you get those?" Alice asked after everyone got settled, curious about the sweaters the four Marauder's had.

"Minnie made them for us." Sirius said.

"We would give her a ball of yarn for every holiday." Peter said, clutching his sweater.

"Guess she kept them all." Sirius said.

"Can you believe it's all over?" Mary asked, trying to not cry.

"It seemed like it would be forever, but it passed so quickly." Frank said.

"Well, as it's all over, what were your favorite moments?" Lily asked.

"Well, I'd have to say getting with this one here." James said, giving a little squeeze to Lily which caused her to laugh anx the rest of the compartment to grown.

"I'd say I'm in the same boat." Frank said, giving Alice a pat on the leg.

"Definitely all the chaos we all caused." Sirius and Marlene said at the same time.

"Remember when we changed out all of the Slytherin ropes." Sirius said.

"Snape in a pink tutu was something I never thought I'd see." James said.

"It was funny though, it is so not him." Lily said.

"Well, what other pranks are you four found of?" Dorcas asked.

"Remember when we gave the Hufflepuff's that aging potion during that month during fourth year." Sirius said.

"That's why you chose that potion for extra credit when Slughorn offered during that year." Alice said and Sirius winked.

"They ended up place some older students to act as guards for the kitchens to stop us." Remus said.

"Ended up using the cloak and dungbombs, but that got a tad expensive and the elves asked us not to be using the dungbombs near the kitchen because of the food." Sirius said.

"What about when we charmed all those books to chase the Ravenclaw's shouting 'nerd'." Peter said.

"Madam Pince wanted to kill you guys." Marlene said, laughing.

"Or when she wouldn't let you guy's use 'The Monster Book of Monsters' as a quaffle." Frank said.

"It wasn't that I wanted to use it as a quaffle." James said. "I wanted to throw it at the group of Slytherin's that were trying to figure out new curses."

"Bloody thing hurt." Peter said, rubbing his arm, remembering how bad that prank turned out.

"Or trying to play quidditch in the Great Hall." Lily said.

"Is that why they changed the rule about first year's having a broom?" Alice asked.

"No." James and Sirius said.

"Yes." Remus said, shaking his head, the rest of the compartment laughing.

"What really happened then?" Lily asked, pretending to sound like a scolding parent.

"I was stealing that snitch I would play with when we thought we heard Filch and Sirius fell over." James said.

"Remus pushed me!" Sirius replied adamantly.

"I would never." Remus said, trying his best to keep a grin off his face.

"Stop derailing the story!" James said, everyone chuckling. "So, when Sirius fell he knocked open a crate and the bludgers flew out. We tried to grab them, but they flew out and we grabbed brooms and chased after them."

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