Chapter 20

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James POV

My head is absolutely pounding and my entire body is sore, and all I see is darkness. I hear voices talking, but the ringing in my ears makes it impossible to make out what they are saying. I wiggle my fingers and I feel something holding my hand.

"James!" I feel myself smile upon hearing my name.

"Yes Lils." I say, my voice weak. I open my eyes with great difficulty and I see those beautiful emerald eyes looking down at me, a few tears on her soft face.

"Why did you do that?" Lily asked, the anger in her voice peaking around the sadness.

"Did we win?" I ask.

"Really, that's your first concern." Lily says, unable to stop a smile appearing on her lips.

"I got it." Marlene said from my right, the snitch still in her hand.

"Good." I say, leaning my head back. "I thought I saw you catching it, but, well, you know." Marlene gives a half hearted smile. "Where's the rest of the team?"

"They are, um, trying to keep Sirius from killing Crabbe." Marlene said. Before I could open my mouth Lily answered.

"After you were knocked out and on the ground, he hit another bludger towards you, and it would've hit you, except..."

"Lily here destroyed it." Marlene said, giving a smile to Lily. "Bloody good aim too."

"Well, thank you Lils." I said, rubbing her hand.

"It was no big deal." She said, trying to sound unbothered. "And I wouldn't want more damage to that handsome face of yours." She strokes my face with her hand and Marlene makes a lound gagging sound, and Lily stuck her tongue out at her.

"Is he awake?" Madam Pomfrey's voice came from the other side of a curtain.

"Yes, he's awake." Lily said and Madam Pomfrey stuck her head around the curtain.

"How are you feeling Potter? Give me the truth." Madam Pomfrey said.

"Everything hurts, my head is pounding, otherwise I can hop on my broom right now." I said, Lily shaking her head and Madam Pomfrey frowning at me.

"You're grounded for at least two weeks." She said and raised her hand before I could protest. "You're not going to convince me otherwise."

"When can I leave?" I ask, hopeful for at least a quick release.

"Maybe tonight or tomorrow, we'll see." She said. "I'll be back in a few. You two can stay for a little bit longer." Lily and Marlene nodded and Madam Pomfrey walked away.

"I'll let you two be." Marlene said, standing up.

"Just do me one favor." I said to her. "Tell Sirius to knock it off or he's grounded next game." Marlene laughed and left, leaving Lily at my bedside. We just stayed together, Lily holding my hand and playing with my hair until Madam Pomfrey came over and told Lily it was time to go and I would be released in the morning, and she left, rather reluctantly after guving me a kiss.

Lily POV

The walk back to the common room was lonely and cold. I knew he was in great hands, but I just wish he didn't have a bed reserved for himself and would be able to go a month without making a stop in. I walked into our common room and found the marauder's and my friends sitting around together.

"Marlene said he regained consciousness." Remus said.

"Yeah, Pomfrey wants to keep him overnight for observation. Says he has a concussion." I said, sitting down between Remus and Mary.

"He'll be fine." Mary said, rubbing my arm.

"I know, just wish you idiots didn't have assigned beds there." I said, getting the girls to giggle and Sirius to dramatically wave his arms above his head.

"The fact you think we have assigned beds in there is completely..." Sirius said.

"Correct." Remus muttered, causing us all to laugh except for Sirius, who shot a glare towards Remus.

"Well, I do enjoy everyone's company, I'm ready for bed." I said, getting up.

"Goodnight Lily." Everyone said and they left, and again that lonely feeling came over me. I got up, headed into my room, changed into my pajamas, and then went into James' room and crawled into his bed.

It might not have been the same thing as sleeping with him, but it was the closest I could get, his smell and warm coming over me as I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry this one is kinda short. another busy week between work and the fire house, plus personal life. hope you guys have enjoyed this so far.

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