Chapter 28

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James woke up the next morning to find Lily still fast asleep. He carefully slipped out of bed to not disturb Lily, and headed out of his room. He made his way through the silent house, trying his best to remain quiet. He finally stopped and opened a dark mahogany door, then stepped inside.

Inside the room was a small gym, different types of equipment everywhere. James got changed into the clothes he left in there to workout with, and began his morning workout.

Around an hour later, James was sitting on the bench, a towel around his neck, sweating falling off his face. James was about to stand when he heard the door open.

"See you found me." James said, toweling his face.

"Well, Coaly seems to know you well." Lily said.

"I can be a creature of habbit." James said.

"All of us have them." Lily said. "I wanted to ask you something quick."

"Shoot." James said as Lily sat down next to him.

"I want you to help me become an animagus." Lily said. "I'm not saying I want to intrude on what you and the guys do to help Remus, but I have always been interested in becoming one."

"Ok." James said. "If that's what you want. I'll talk with dad to get all the ingredients we need."

"Ok, thanks babe." Lily said leaning in to give James a kiss.

"Are you sure about that kiss." James said playfully. "I'm all sweaty and disgusting."

"Then I'll just have to clean you in the shower." Lily said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Lily Evans you dirty minx." James said, a huge grin on his face.

"Well, let's go." Lily said, pulling James to his feet, a smile equally as large on her face.

"Have a good morning?" Sirius asked when James and Lily came down for breakfast later.

"Got a solid workout in." James said as was handed a plate.

"Double meaning to that sentence?" Marlene asked with a sly grin.

"Marlene!" Lily exclaimed quietly.

"Lily!" Marlene said back in the same tone.

"You kid's have plans for today?" Euphemia asked, either oblivious or ignoring the kids conversation.

"Thought about hitting London briefly." James said while Lily blushed as Marlene whispered something in her ear.

"Well, be safe and make sure you have your wands on you." Euphemia said.

"Maybe I'll finally get that motorbike." Sirius said, staring off into space.

"You get a motorbike?" Lily asked, slightly alarmed. "Of all people I trust with a motorbike, you only beat out Hagrid."

"Your words," Sirius said, throwing his hand on his head rather dramatically. "they wound me so."

"Oh, you drama queen." Lily said shaking her head. "C'mon, lets go." Lily dragged Sirius, Marlene, and James from the table and to the living room.

"How we gettin to London?" Sirius asked.

"Up to you," Lily said. "Either flu powder or appirate."

"Rather appirate." James said. "I know the perfect spot to." The other three nodded, grabbed each other's hands, then with a pop disappeared.

Lily opened her eyes to find herself in an alley with the noise of busy London ringing in her ears.

"Where are we?" Marlene asked.

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