³⁵ until then

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"Too much of this shit happened in last few months," Reiner was telling Jean and Colt.
He didn't want others to know much about your mother or brother. It was still not easy to tell someone and expect them to heal that wound that both of them left.

"I won't take it a right way if she fucking dies." The panic was seen in his eyes. He was whispering to them, but it seemed much louder in his head.

"Reiner, I know. Okay?! Don't think bad right now, she's in there and keep your calm for a goddamns minute," Jean told him.

When someone was stressing around him, he'd also start stressing. It was something he couldn't really change or get rid of; this made him more anxious than ever.

He tried to keep himself down, to settle a little bit and not think too bad about it, but here is Reiner who's making him worry even more than he is already.

"You know fucking shit you dumbass!"

"You both shut the fuck up already. There's a person on their death bad and you're here arguing about it?" Colt made them shut up for a little time.

They stopped with their bickering for now. If you asked Colt if he'd ever thought that he'd find his sister on the floor of their kitchen, with her best friend crying like crazy about it, he wouldn't believe you a word.

Maybe a small part of it, but right now it was the last thing he wanted to be happening for his family.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not getting my dad to come here and be by her side.." Reiner told them both.

"She wouldn't let him. I'm pretty sure she'd get all alive and just throw him off the balcony or something," Colt said, talking about you.

"Yeah.. but she'd be alive tho. And we'd know for sure then," Jean knew they were joking about it. Maybe if your father really did come after so long, you'd get on your feet to shut him up after he just vanished from this world.

"You heard what the doc said, she's alive now; maybe a little out of it, but she'll wake up in few hours or so.." Colt told the both males.

"But she will stop breathing after seeing her dad who went to buy milk ten years ago and ended up being stuck in the market," Jean said, frustrated about the whole situation.

"That's our father too, you know?!" Reiner gave him an angry look.
"Sorry.. but it's true, you can't be mad about this what I've said," Jean let his hands fall down from them holding his head.

"We should let it for now.. Maybe he won't like to come anyway," Colt wanted to make this situation be as less toxic as possible, but knowing his parents it was impossible to make that happen. Well his parent.

"We're in this shit together with Y/n, Reiner!"

Reiner nodded to his brother.

Of course they didn't want to see their father and act like nothing ever happened, but still; there was that little part of them who wanted to see him, hug him and be carried back in those happier days with the whole fam.

Who would even want to be reunited in hospital while their daughter/sister nearly just died?

Not much people.

While they were getting ideas of what could happen when you see your father, Mikasa was just sitting and waiting; staring at the wall for past half an hour and just wanting to see your face again.

Your love might have lasted pretty short term, but, even if it was real or not, for her it was love.

And she had to wait and see her love once again, but not in the most normal and common way that it could happen, the worst way possible actually.

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