¹² call with a teardrop

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Both you and Porco spent good two hours of talking about your childhood and your near death while overdosing. Even though it wasn't supposed to be funny, you both laughed so hard about it again and again.

You were too high to care about that story right now. It happened and it's in past and of course that it's funny when you look back at it while being high as fuck.

However, the drugs weren't kicking their all. You could still normally see everything and it was same for Porco.

You two decided to go back your homes before the drugs started kicking more and more. 'Cause otherwise you would spend night in that abandoned park.

After you drove back to the campus, you could feel drugs starting their job before you left your car.

As soon as you opened the door of your car, you just slipped out of it and fell to the ground.

"Ah shit." You say, getting up and locking your car.

Instead of going to your dorm right away, you decide to cool off a little bit, before seeing Pieck and letting her kill you with tons of questions.

"We'll meet again... don't know... where... don't... know... wheeeeeen... " You were singing to yourself, walking around and trying not to fall on your face as you do.

"But... I know... we'll... meet... again... some... sunny daaaaaayy. " You breath in again as you fall back to the ground on your ass.

"Ah I'm telling you... I should go on Eurovision... I would be the best one there... and I would win shit ton of money too." You laugh to yourself.

"Y/N?" You hear someone call your name.

You don't turn to see who it is, you only lift your head up a littlw bit. From the corner of your eye, you could see a dark figure coming closer and closer to you.

"The hell are you doing here at this time?" The same voice asked.

You look up at them... only to see your beloved Mikasa once again, after you left her under that damn tree yesterday. Or maybe even two days ago, 'cause you don't even know what time it is even.

"Oh, my. Hi Mikasa." You smile at her, trying to get your eyes to stay open, but the weed and pills were hitting on you too much.

You could see that she was wearing a red, short dress, playing agains her body. You could see how big her breasts and ass were, as how well the dress looked on her.

She kneeled down to be on the same level as you. "Why are you out here?"

You sign, feeling your phone lighting up before you speak.

It was someone calling you.

Who the hell is killing my moment with my future wife you piece of disrespectful shit?

"Oh shit it's my brother." You say as you take phone closer to your eyes to read the name.

"Reiner?" You heard Mikasa ask you from aside. "Nah... it's Falco. Why is he awake at... 3:30 am?" You say, pulling phone even closer to your face to read the time. "Will you answer it?" Mikasa asked again.

"I don't fucking know... he's gonna hear me being in this state and I don't want that bu-" You felt your finger accidentally accepting the call.

"Y/N? You there?" You could hear Falco's voice from the other side of the line.

You pull the phone to your ear to talk to him. "Hi buddy... how are you? Why are you up this late?"

You fucking bitch who needed to be high right now and accept the fucking call. You were thinking while waiting for Falco to answer your question.

"Sorry if I woke you up, but I was just studying for my maths test and I came across this one task and wanted to ask you if you could help me with it?"

You sigh, answering him. "Look you like send me the task, but right now it's like I just woke up from the dead and I don't fucking know where my head is."

"Oh okay... Sorry to bother you again. I know it's late... but I just want to get an A like you from every maths test." You could hear that he was very sleepy.

He was just like you. Not an addict, but in the studying part. When you were younger you would stay up late to study and get an A every time. Now it all changed to you. You didn't really care about your grades anymore.

"Nah it's fine man... go to sleep and I'll send you the task tomorrow, that sounds good?" You could feel your eyes water up a bit.

You hated that he literally wanted to be you. Even though you weren't as good as you used to be when you were younger. You fucked yourself up and it was pretty bad. But Falco still saw you as a same Y/N at 15 years old.

To put yourself even more problems, he didn't know about your addiction, but your dad never hid it and Falco was always scared of how your dad acted towards everyone when he was high.

"Yeah sure... it's still weekend so it's fine... sorry once again. Sleep well Y/N." He says. "Sure will... you too Falco." You hang up and feel your phone falling down from your hand.

One tear left your eye as your phone fell.

You forgot that Mikasa was even next to you, until you felt her hand on your jawline. You fastly remove the tear that was falling down your cheek.

"Hey... Y/N... if you don't want anyone to see you like this... I can drive you to my place and you can stay the night." She says, tucking some pieces of your hair behind your ear.

You look up in her eyes as you still had few tears in them. "If that's fine... with... you."

She nods her head 'yes' and pulls you up by your hands and leads you to her car.

You knew she didn't live in the dorms, but why would she be here right now? Maybe she was with Sasha and Connie and just left them there 'cause they were drunk?

While walking to her car, she had one of her hands around your waist and another on your chest.

You couldn't lie, you felt butterflies in your stomach at the placemats of her hands. You were even blushing and you were thanking God that it was night so Mikasa couldn't see the light pink crossing your cheeks.

She sits you in the back seat, so you could feel more comfortable and fall asleep faster if you needed too.

You were too much greatful that she was there at the moment. Otherwise you would find yourself on the other side of the campus in the morning.

"Mikasa... thank you..." You say while she was still pulling you in the back seat. You put your hand on her cheek as she was on top of you.

She slightly smiles at your touch. She closes the door and goes into the front seat to start the engine.

Before getting into the deep sleep, you were thinking about everything you and Porco were talking about.

He was right, you are madly in love with her and she likes you too.

But you couldn't do that to Jean. Shit why the fuck do I care for him too much? I know he's my best friend, but still wouldn't he be happy for me?

You think, until you remember that you ruined their relationship in the first place. Well what can I do when I'm the hotter friend. You smirk to yourself.

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