⁸ falling

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The days would past and so would your time with Mikasa. Some tests would come and go and same with rendom parties that others would throw every week.

Without taking any of your drugs, you were a totally new person. You would spend days hanging out with Sasha and Connie more often, never being late to class, feeling more happy about rendom things.

Was it all because of Mikasa? You would sometimes just question yourself that. Was she helping you to stop that addiction of yours by nit just burning those pills, but by also being with you?

You two would always have some fun while solving those tasks. Every Friday you would change your locations from one to another. Your favorite was always the one under the tree and near the lake.

It was quite and no one could disturb you. You would spend your time by just talking with one another and complaining about somethings.

Those lovely looks would come from both of you too. It looked like you never even hated her. You could now even call her your friend after those two months of spending together.

You could always feel her eyes being on you, but you never said anything. You liked that feeling. Her eyes had such a addicting look.

When you would make an eye contact with one another, it was hard for you to stop it. You would froze and just stare at her as she would talk to you.

She talked to lovely and nice. That definitely wasn't the same person you hated before. That was someone else, someone who held your heart in palm of their hand.

Like every week, this one came to an end too and it was Friday, which ment only you and Mikasa together.

Before your last class ended she said that it would be nice to go back to the place with a tree and of course you agreed and gave her a light smile.

"Ooo, am I not smelling cigarettes for some longer time or did I just lose my mind?" Sasha joked around.

You push her a bit. "Shut up. I just forgot about them." You would back yourself. "Ah yeah sure. You forgot about cigarettes? That's hilarious." Connie joines too.

You hit both of them, before they said anything else. "That's not really nice you know?" Connie would protest.

"Then shut up about my cigarettes and live a life trying to figure out how to get a good mark on next test." You punch his arm playfully.

Sasha and Connie knew that something was up with you, but they never thought about Mikasa being the answer to that. Not only because they knew you hated her, but because it seemed impossible that you changed only for a girl.

You spaced out for a bit and wandered with your eyes around, hearing that both Sasha and Connie were speaking, but you couldn't clearly hear about what.

"What about today? I mean it's Friday and we are all kinda free so we could just call Jean and then go somewhere." Sasha was coming up with some idea.

"Yeah. Like we could go to club or something. Some bar I don't know. Somewhere where I can find a good hoe to fuck," Connie would be serious about talking this kind of stuff and you always liked to ruin his moment.

"Yeah your problem is that you would like to fuck them, but they are the ones who end up fucking you." Connie just gave you a sad look while both you and Sasha were dying of the laugher.

"But seriously, come on." He felt offended. "Do you want to go Y/N?" Sasha turned to face you.

You heard they said something about going out today, but today was Friday. Today was only a day for you and Mikasa being together under the tree and talking.

"Sorry, but I think I won't go. It's Friday and you know what I gotta do then." You try as much as possible to kinda look hurt, because you didn't want them to see how happy you actually are so spend time with Mikasa.

"Oh my... Just tell Mikasa that you have some better shit to do instead of maths. How hard can that be?" Really hard when you don't want to turn it down Connie.

"Leave her Connie. She has a girlfriend to get." Sasha laughes as she said. "She's Jean's ex come on. I would never be with her."

Well... me from two months ago wouldn't.

"Whatever, when that shit of yours ends just come our way, I'll tell you where we will be so... no need to stress around."

On that way you all ended the conversation and went your ways. You left very soon after that conversation ended. It was a day for you and Mikasa as it was said by your own thoughts and words to yourself.

You went to that place of yours and saw her already sitting there and waiting for you. It was quite and only thing you could hear was the lake passing by your tree.

Her short hair got to play a little bit with a wind that was wandering around. She looked so peacefully there. You didn't even want to disturb her.

You didn't want to disturb someone that beautiful who was waiting for you. But, she was waiting for YOU?

"Oh here you are. I called you, guess your phone was silent." She turned around as she felt someone's eyes on her.

You give her a soft smile as you sit next to her. "Yeah, guess so. Sorry." You looked down taking one of the papers with even more math problems then before.

"No need to apologies, it's fine." She smiled to you.

You couldn't really come up with much normal words while sitting next to her. You felt like it would be better not starting the conversation then ruining it with your weird words.

How ever much you liked her, there was one thing stopping you to feel free of the feeling to tell her that.


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