³³ reunited (dead for a minute)

441 10 10

(silver soul by beach house on repeat would get yall in the mood tbh)

You heard weird noise around you. Your body couldn't move, neither could you think straight. You mind stopped what it was doing for last few months.

Everything around you, was dark? You heard people around, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. You couldn't understand one single thing - to start with.

You felt numb.

Last thing you remember was going to the kitchen and getting yourself something to drink. After that, you thought you fell asleep - now you can't even move. Your bdy felt like it weithened a whole earth at once, and nobody gt to help you. 

The voices were getting louder and louder at once, but they were still not as clear as you wanted them to be. You couldn't make up any of them. What were they even talking abut?

Your mind was at rest, but your body wasn't. You tried getting back to te reality before any other feeling could get over you. When you stopped trying to understand the voices, your eyes opened at once. 

You heard a voice from your head, telling you to go forward. As you did, you saw a siluette. You could make out that it was a boy. A young boy, pale face and blode hair. He seemed like a normal teenager to you, until you got too close to him. 


A boy turned towards you. As sure as you were, that was him. Your brother of course. He waved back at you and shared a lovely smile. You ran up to him and went for a hug, but - you just huged the air. You turned your face to Falco, but he wasn't there. 

You were really hugging just air. Nothing more than that. 

"You can't hug me... I'm not even here," your loved brother spoke up. 

"What?" You slowly moved your ands away from the air that you were hugging. 

"You know, there are people waiting for you to get up and give them a sign that you are alive." Words made you shiver a little. What happeed to you? Were you really dying?

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"Jean, Reiner, Colt... They are waiting for you Y/n... Mikasa!"

How did he know Mikasa? How does he know about anything even? You wanted to wake up, you wanted to get up right away... You just couldn't?!

You were in this dark place with Falco - who talked different, who knew more, who was infront of you. How was that even possible to be happening? You couldn't make out what was true and what wasn't. Everything felt so fake, but still so real. 

"What's going on?" You asked, hoping to get a good answer that made sense to eveything. 

"You're near death sis," Falco answered your question.

You were taken back by his words. You were dying? When did that even happen? How could it be possible? For a second you were talking to Jean - having fun and all - but now you were nearing death? Was your mind playing with you?

You hoped it did, it would be easier for you and Jean and your brothers and... Mikasa. You didn't want to worry anyone. You'd rather be the worried one, than have someone worry about you. You didn't want others to care for you, you wanted to care for others. 

"I-... How is that even possible?" 

"You fell deep down... in your own hole sis. If you don't wake up soon, you'll have to say goodbye to everyone." Falco started telling you. 

You didn't want to die. However times you thought about suicide you never had balls to do shit. And now when you have a chance in which you have to do nothing, you want to live?

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