¹⁵ your drug

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The night with Mikasa went by far. Now it was only three days until the Christmas holidays. Neither did you or Mikasa tell anyone about that night. You would always hang out in the college bathrooms or library. Where wouldn't be se much people, while having classes.

Mikasa didn't even go out with Armin, Eren, Sasha and Connie that day. She just spent it with you in her house. She didn't answer their calls or messages. She just told them the next day that she was tired and went to sleep as soon as possible.

While walking around the library, trying to find some good book to read, you got pulled in one of the rows, where was no one. You felt someone press their lips on yours, roughly.

You instantly knew the taste of her lips. You pull away, keeping the eye contact with her. "When is your last class?" She asks. "In half of an hour." You replay.

"Good... then that's half of an hour for us." She says, pulling you back in the kiss.

You hear someone coming this way and you both pull away. Mikasa leaves your row, not to look suspicious. "Y/n... What are you doing here?" You recognized the voice. It was Jean. "Trying to find some good book?" You answer.

"Yeah, shit... sorry. What are you looking for?" He asks, walking closer to where you were at the moment. "Oh, you know. Something with some slow burn and a lot of good sex inside of it. Know something like that?" You say, trying your best not to laugh when you saw his reaction.

"Oh... I- um, I don't really... but the row next... I think, has something like that." He says. You could see how he was also holding to his dear life not to start laughing. "I will... I'll probably get more than one." You say, your face red of how much you're trying to be polite in the library.

He coughs a bit before stepping closer to you, so you could only hear him. "If you find something like that... give it to me." You could feel a smirk growing on your face. "Bet."

He leaves and Mikasa comes back, after not seeing him in sight anymore. "So slow burn with a lot of sex." She says, growing a smile on her face. "Yeah... found something like that?" You ask.

She shows you two books in her hands. "Straight or gay?" She asks. You analyze the books she was holding up to you now. "Both..." You say, taking the books from her hands. "Oh... I like that." She says, before following after you.

"What are you doing after class?" She asks. "Going to Sasha's probably. Why? You want me to yourself?" You teasingly ask her. "Well yes... I wouldn't ask otherwise." You glare at her a little bit.

"Maybe later... I'll see if I'll have time." You say, stopping before the end of the row. You could see she was irritated. She turned her head to the side, avoiding your eye contact. "Hey..." You quietly say, turning her head to look at you. You press your forehead on hers.

"We'll have time, okay? I'll try my best to make it. If you want you can come up with an idea of some little date and I'll try my best to come as soon as possible." You try to make her feel better. You give her a small kiss on the lips, waiting for her to answer.

She finally gives you her attention. She looks into your eyes and nods her head. "I'll send you if I come up with something. If I don't, you are coming to my house." She says, pressing her lips against yours.

You felt yourself smile in the kiss. "You do look really cute when you're kinda a bit angry." You tease, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Shut up..." She says back, putting her hands on your waist.

She pulls you back into to a long kiss. Her tongue playing with yours. You really wanted to make out with her right now, but you were in library and most of all Jean was here and if he saw you you knew you would lose a best friend just like that.

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