¹⁷ "when you were younger..."

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And what to expect on a Christmas day. What's even better than fresh made food and presents under the Christmas tree.

You got woken up by Falco running into your room and trying to get you out of bed so he could open his presents. He also wanted from you to open his presents, because he said "I tried my best to find good stuff and believe me it will probably be your favorite present ever."

You liked how he still had that love for Christmas like you did before. I mean you do like Christmas, but not like you did before. These years, Christmas is for you like every other day with decorations and a bit better food.

While finally making your way to the living room, you already see everyone there instead of Reiner.

He was still in his room and always leaving when he had to use bathroom or wanted to go out with his friends. You two barley spoke a word from that day. He didn't even seem like he wanted to talk to you.

"Morning Y/n and Merry Christmas." Your mom greets you. You tell her the same and then ask about Reiner. "Why is Reiner being a piece of shit, and not coming here for breakfast?" Your mom didn't answer, she just kept on setting the table.

"Fine I'll go and get him." You get up from the table and go straight to Reiner's room. Without knocking, you come in. "Get your ass up and go to breakfast Reiner." You say with a strict voice.

You see he's not getting up and is just looking at you. "Just come on a fucking breakfast becasue of Falco, then you can go back on being depressed piece of shit." You tell him, finally getting him to get up from his bed.

Neither did your mom and Reiner greet each other. Reiner even sat on the other side of the table to be away from her. They were making this much harder for you three.

After the silent breakfast with lot of looking from one side to another, to see what's happening with Reiner and your mom. You all take a seat on your couch and beging opening your presents.

Falco was first to get all of his presents from you four. Reiner just bought him a book of Jane Austin because Falco loves her books. Colt bought him a jacket and tons of sweets. Your mom bought him pyjamas.

Then there comes your present for him. You knew how much he liked to draw so you bought him a new notebook for his works. You always loved when he would ask you to model for his drawings. Then there comes new pack of crayons. And at the very end you bought him three volumes of Bungo Stray Dogs and two volumes of Jujutsu Kaisen. You could see how happy he was for you buying him that.

He went to hug you and give you your present at the same time. You open the present to see a little box, looking like there might be a necklace. Instead of necklace, there was a ring. "It has a little knife as part of it, so you could defend yourself from some old guys hitting on you." You hear him explain to you.

You look up at him, smiling back as his smile grows more and more seeing you like it. You look back at the ring and pull out the small knife that's a part of the ring. It was sharp and it could easily cut anything even though it was small.

You pull the knife inside and put the ring on your left hand, on your index finger. "Look back inside there's more." He shows on the box you're still holding. At the end of the box was a large book.

"It's about Greek mythology. I know you like it very much so I thought you might want to read that. It looked interesting." He explains to you.

It was true, you did really like Greek mythology and so did Falco. He would listen to you always telling him the stories about different gods and goddesses.

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