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"Was that the monster you saw the other night at the Harvest Festival?" Tana asks on their way back to Jericho.

"Yes," Wednesday answers. She looks down at their hands, "You can let go of my hand now."

Tana quickly pulls her hand away, "Sorry. Why are your visions so... violent?"

"When they happen, it feels like I'm touching live wire. I usually enjoy that sensation," she comments.

"And that means what?"

"I'm not sure. I can't control them," Wednesday admits. Tana shivers, "What is it?"

"What?" she turns to the black-haired girl, "Oh, nothing, it's just the rain."


"Are you not?" the redhead questions.

"No. The weather is tolerable right now."

"Not for me. Brings my core temperature down and I can't use my powers to heat myself back up," Tana explains.

"Will you die?" Wednesday asks, a small hint of concern in her voice.

"No, I'll probably just be sick later like a normie."

By the time they get back to Jericho, the weather clears, and Wednesday sulks. She prepares for her performance with the Jericho High Marching Band. Although, she's got a better celebration in mind.

"Thank you. It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone," Mayor Walker announces to the Nevermore students and locals of Jericho, "Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn't achieve. So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we've built a monument to celebrate his memory. Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity."

The band begins playing Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mac, Wednesday playing along with her cello. Principal Weems and Mayor Walker stand at the podium as reporters snap pictures. The mayor then hits a giant red button and an added water feature to the monument turns on.

The crowd cheers and Thing makes his way out from under the bleachers. He lights a match and throws it in a line of gunpowder. He scurries away as it scorches along the ground and towards the monument. Wednesday watches while playing as the line of gunpowder ignites. The trail finally goes into the monument and it bursts into flames.

Everyone begins to scream and run away. Wednesday sits at her cello, playing staccato notes with a smirk on her face. Sheriff Galpin stands up and looks at the Addams girl. She then begins to play Winter by Antonio Vivaldi while chaos ensues all around her. Principal Weems follows the crowd but turns back to see Wednesday still sitting with her cello. She smirks as the monument blazes away.


"That was a disaster!" Principal Weems exclaims in her office. Wednesday sits in a chair while the blonde paces around the room, "The mayor is furious! I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni, and parents. They want answers and so do I!"

"I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home," Wednesday comments.

"Miss Addams..." the principal seethes, "You're already on thin ice. Wafer-thin ice."

"I swear on my late scorpion's soul, my hands are clean," she tells truthfully because, in reality, Thing dumped the lighter fluid into the monument water feature. He lit the match.

"I may not have hard evidence, but I see you," Principal Weems says, "you're a trouble magnet."

"If trouble means standing up to lies, decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens, or worse..." she stands up and approaches the principal.

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