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Before Wednesday heads off to Tana's dorm, she finds Enid's bottle of silver moon nail polish on the floor. She picks it up and looks at it. Thing gets on the girl's desk and signs to her.

"I don't miss her," she states, "Friends are a liability and can be exploited. That makes them weaknesses."

Thing signs Tana's name.

"She doesn't count," Wednesday states, "Your job is to guard that diary while I'm gone."

He gives a half-hearted thumbs up.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," she says. He signs to ask what she's going to do with Tana, "I'm going to show her that I appreciate her. It's not a date. Watch that diary!"

Wednesday walks over to Rosaline Hall. She carries a white flower in her hand.

"Hey," Tana opens the door. She lets Wednesday into her room.

"I brought you this," she thrusts her hand out, "It's a Triantha occidentalis."

Tana blushes, "Oh. Thank you. What's the occasion?"

Wednesday pauses. She doesn't quite know how to express her feelings and she doesn't even know what she is feeling at all.

"I wanted to express appreciation for your interest in me."

Tana nods, "And that's it?"

"Should there be more?" the Addams girl questions.

"You don't want to be more?"

Wednesday frowns, feeling guilty for saying this, "I'm really not friend material, let alone more-than-friend material. I will ignore you, stomp on your heart, and always put my needs and interests first."

"Maybe with someone else, but think about it," Tana says, "you always invite me to go with you. You took me to the dance. You helped me with my powers. You carried me back here after we went to the morgue. Call me crazy, but I think you put my needs before your own."

She's right. And Wednesday knows that. But she's terrified. Terrified that she won't be the person Tana thinks she is.

"I almost got you killed."

"I survived," she counters.

"Beginner's luck," Wednesday argues.

"I'm tougher than you think," she grins. She walks toward the girl, opening her arms.

"You're making a mistake."

"Probably," Tana whispers as she wraps her arms around the Addams girl. For once, Wednesday doesn't object although she doesn't wrap her arms around Tana. She lets the girl in white hug her.

She knows Tana is playing a dangerous game, one that Wednesday has never played before. For Wednesday, she's allowing the girl to do something she wouldn't dare let her own mother do. She's allowing Tana to love her.

"I need to go back now," Wednesday says after Tana releases her, "You may come with."

Tana smiles, "Ok."

The girls go back to Wednesday's dorm in Ophelia Hall. Although, when the Addams girl opens the door, she finds her dorm room disheveled. Pages of her novel are thrown about the room and her records are taken out of their sleeves. Even Enid's side of the dorm is torn apart. Her cello is lying on the ground and the furniture is turned over.

"Wednesday? What happened?" Tana quietly asks.

"The diary," she comments, "Thing?"

Tana and Wednesday look for the appendage, hearing what sounds to be water droplets. The Addams girl turns, finding Thing stabbed into the wall. Blood drops onto the metal horn of her record player.

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