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Wednesday and Tana wait in the terminal for their flight out to San Francisco. Lurch dropped them off at the airport and everything went smoothly, except for security. Nobody thought to explain to Wednesday that weapons are not allowed in carry-on bags. Lurch had to come back and take all of Wednesday's pocket weaponry, she couldn't allow the idiotic airport workers to confiscate her expensive weaponry.

"Have you ever been on a plane?" Tana asks.

"No. You have, I'm assuming?" Wednesday asks. The redhead nods. She remembers flying on a plane alone to mainland America. She sat alone in her row because the normies did not want to sit next to an outcast.

"Yeah, only once though, after leaving Alaska," Tana explains.

"Would you ever like to go back?"

"To Alaska?" she asks. Wednesday nods, "I don't know. There's nothing left for me there."

"I understand. If you ever wish to go, I would accompany you," Wednesday states. She knows that Alaska and everything in the past is a sensitive subject, but maybe Wednesday could replace the negative thoughts of Alaska with positive ones. She would also love to meet the people who caused Tana so much pain. She would just like to have a little... chat with them.

"Now loading Flight 8647 to San Francisco. We'll start boarding first-class passengers now," the attendant at the front of their zone calls. Wednesday stands up.

"We're flying first-class?" Tana questions with wide eyes.

"Of course. I won't be caught stuck next to some idiotic normies for the next six hours," she answers. Tana stands up and follows Wednesday to the front of the line. The attendant scans their boarding passes and they head down the air bridge. Wednesday touches the outside of the plane before stepping inside.

"Why'd you touch the outside?" Tana asks as they sit down in their seats.

"It's for good luck. The Internet says most passengers touch the outside as a way of thanking the plane for getting them to their destination safely," the Addams girl explains. Tana smiles.

"I didn't know you were superstitious," she comments.

"I'm not but if it is a ritual that will keep this plane from crashing while you are a passenger in it, I will partake," Wednesday explains. The redhead's hair begins smoking and Tana is quick to put it out.

"Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but I'm going to need you to not say anything like that for the next six hours," Tana says as more passengers board the plane. Wednesday bought out the seat next to them so they wouldn't have a random normie sitting with them.

"I don't understand."

"I need to keep my hair under control and you are saying things that make me... blush," Tana tries to explain.

"I am doing that?" Wednesday questions.

"Well, yeah. You are making me feel happy and that's good, but it's cute and it makes my hair smoke," she adds.

"Noted. I will refrain from saying anything that shall make you feel happy," the Addams girl states. There's a pause before Wednesday looks at Tana, "Dead puppies."

"Wednesday!" Tana can't help but laugh at Wednesday's attempts to keep her from feeling happy. Dead puppies will do it, but the seriousness makes Tana smile.

"Did it work?" she asks in all seriousness. The redhead can't hold back her giggles and the flight attendant in front of them notices. She gives Tana a loving smile.

"You two are awfully young to be flying by yourselves aren't you?" she asks. Wednesday doesn't know how to engage in the conversation so she looks over at Tana.

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