Chapter 103

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

The whole team got changed into the clothes they had got from the surplus. They looked ready for battle. They packed up their weapons, got out the things they would need in the Creel house and started to drive there.

The drive was silent as they were all preparing for what was to come. They all knew it was gonna be nasty and might not end well but it's what they had to do.

Max, Lucas and Erica got all of their stuff together the closer they got to the house. Steve stopped outside and they all got out with everything they would need in their hands. Max closed the door behind her and they drove straight off and to the trailer park.

The three of them looked at the house and started to walk up the path to the door as the sun set. It would be dark soon and that was when they had to start it.

Steve drove the rest of them back to the trailer park and stopped the RV in the woods so no one would see it.

They all got out of their seats and started to talk about their plans before they go jumping through the gate. They all thought they should talk it through before they have to go outside the trailer where there is a higher possibility of being caught or Eddie being seen by someone.

Nancy stood in front of them all and got them to recite their plan.

"Okay. I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one." She says.

"We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Robin says.

"Phase two." Nancy says.

"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance." Steve says.

None of them liked this plan but there was no other way and if there was it would take longer and they don't have the time. This was the quickest and easiest way, no matter how much they all hated it.

"Phase three?" Nancy asks.

"Me, Eddie and Ivy draw the bats away." Dustin says.


"We head into Vecna's, hopefully, newly bat-free lair, and...flambe." Robin says, shaking one of the molotov cocktail bottles.

"Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" She asks.

"Got it." Everyone repeats and they all get up to start heading out.

"Who put her in charge." Ivy mutters as they all walk out. She didn't think anyone heard her but both Steve and Eddie heard her and smiled at her words. None of them were too happy with Nancy at the moment because of how she is treating Ivy but they can't linger on that at the moment. First, they need to defeat Vecna.

They all leave the RV and walk through the woods to the trailer park. They were carrying all their weapons in their hands or on their backs/ in backpacks as they walked over to the trailer.

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