Chapter 100

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

When Steve goes outside it doesn't take him long to find Ivy in the silent trailer park. He could hear her cries the minute he stepped outside. He followed the noise and found her curled into herself down the side of the trailer as she cried. His heart broke seeing her like that. He knows that she is finding all of this hard to process, especially the fact that her friend is Vecna.

"Hey." He gently says, coming over to her.

She brings her face out of her knees and he sees the tear stains down her cheeks and her swollen and blotchy red eyes.

"Hi..." She says, her voice coming out broken.

He rushes over to her side and takes a seat beside her. The minute he sits down she places her head on his shoulder and makes herself comfortable.

"I'm sorry about what Nancy said back there." He tells her.

"It's not your fault." Ivy says.

The two of them sit in silence for a minute but Ivy could see the questions brewing in Steve's head so she answered them knowing that he doesn't want to ask them and make her upset.

"He was like my brother." She says.

"What?" Steve says, not having expected to hear her speak so her voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Henry. He was like my brother and my father rolled into one. He raised me in the lab. They took him as a child after he killed his family. His mum was going to take him to Brenner to be experimented on and he got angry. His powers lashed out and he killed his family and then he passed out from exhaustion. He was taken to the hospital and then Brenner took him.

He grew up in the lab alone and experimented on. He was alone until they took me. They killed my parents as soon as I was born and took me to the lab. I was left with Henry and he would take care of me all the time. As I grew up we grew a bond, we were both protective of each other. Brenner didn't like that.

One day he took me off for experiements and I did as he told me too but then I lost control and I couldn't stop the fire. It kept growing and growing. I was snapped out of it when he tased me and he took me to another room where they punish you for messing up. The guards loved to torture us kids but I was their favourite. I always got the worst punishments.

Because this wasn't the first time I had lost control Brenner decided to give me the worst punishment of all. He seperated me and Henry, he thought Henry was influencing me to mess up. We spent four years apart but something kept pulling us together. The first time I saw him again was when Brenner introduced me to all the other kids he had collected in the time I was in isolation. He was a guard now, called Peter.

After playtime in the Rainbow Room, Henry took me back to my room to talk. We spoke about what had happened the last four years and he wasn't happy about what happened to me." Ivy says, tears dripping down her cheeks as she spoke.

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