Chapter 66

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(Just pretend that Sky is Steve because I have been looking for GIF's for an hour and  I give up

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(Just pretend that Sky is Steve because I have been looking for GIF's for an hour and  I give up.)

3rd POV:

The older teens walked over to Hopper and he threw Steve the keys for the car he stole at the petrol station.

"Here. We'll give you a ten minute head start." He tells them. They start to walk off but then Hopper calls out. "Ivy, wait a sec." He says.

Ivy holds back for a minute and she walks off to the side with Hopper. The rest of her team for the day were waiting by the door for her.

"Hey, be safe out there, okay?" Hopper tells her.

"I will. It's you I'm worried about. You're the one going into the Russian base." Ivy says.

"And you are my daughter. We may not be a family through blood but I love you and El like my daughters and I will not let any harm come to you. The people that did that to you today will pay." Hopper tells her.

"I don't care about that, I just want you to come home."

"I will, I promise."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep. I have a bad feeling about this one, Hop. Please, be careful." Ivy says.

"Of course I will. I always am." Hop tells her, pulling her in for a hug.

"No your not." She says but her voice is muffled by his chest.

They both laugh a little before they let go, knowing she needs to leave.

"I love you and El, make sure she knows that if something happens." Hopper says.

"Nothing is going to happen. You will make it out of there and we can go back to the cabin and try to fix it back up." Ivy says.

"Maybe we can all stay in your tree while we try to fix the cabin." Hopper suggests as a joke.

"I don't think we'll all fit." She says.

It goes silent between the two of them which Ivy breaks.

"I love you, Hopper. You are basically my dad. Please be safe down there." She says.

"Of course." He says, pulling her into one last hug and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Now, off you go. They're waiting for you." He tells her, pointing to Steve and the others.

"Thanks." She says.

"Keep that one around, he really cares about both you and El. You won't find that often." Hopper says.

"I plan on it." She tells him.

She runs over to Steve and the others and they make their way outside. She throws one last glance behind her to Hopper and sees him walking over to El.

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