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3rd POV:    1979- Age: 12

A young girl was running through the woods, sharp twigs cutting her feet while the damp leaves  get stuck to them. Although she was running with purpose to a place she heard was safe, The Hawkins Police Department.

When she reached the town the sun had started to rise as she hadn't escaped her capture until late at night. She rushed into the building with the sign outside saying it was the police department. 

As she entered the building she noticed that there wasn't many people working, unlike at the lab when there is the same amount of workers and security there day and night. The two night workers turned to her, taking in her appearance.

She had on a hospital gown that was now torn, covered in mud and rain water. Her hair was dripping water into her eyes and her feet were covered in blood, mud and leaves. Overall she looked a mess.

"Miss, Can we help you?" One of the officers asked.

"Help." Was all she said as she didn't have a vast vocabulary.

"Yeah, help. What happened to you?" The same officer asked, seeing that the girl had clearly gone through something. Maybe she had escaped hospital or something by the looks of her clothes. Maybe a bad home life, the officer thinks.

"Help." She repeated, not being able to explain.

The officer turned to the other worker, noticing that she didn't know what to say but he put it down to trauma. 

"I'm gonna call the chief." He says and leaves the bullpen and goes into another room around the back.

The young girl didn't like how the officer that she was left with was looking at her. He just kept staring making her nervous. She didn't know whether to leave or not, worried about the look the officer was giving her until he said.

"I'm sure Doctor Brenner will be missing you, don't you think, Zero."

The young girls eyes widened as the man stood up and took a step towards her but she rushed out the door before he could get to her. As the door slammed shut the other officer came back from calling the chief. 

"Where did she go?" He asked his fellow officer.

"She just ran out of the door. Must have gotten spooked or something." The corrupt officer said, taking his seat again.

"And you didn't think to follow her, she could be in serious trouble. She seemed terrified." 

"I'm sure she'll be fine." He said, turning his attention back to the card deck on his desk.

The concerned officer wanted to argue but knew that the young girl was long gone by now, he just wished she had stayed. He saw that look in her eye, that was no joke. She was terrified. He is still going to inform the Chief of the incident, hopefully they'll be able to find her again one day.


The young girl took back off into the woods. She didn't stop running until she heard a voice in her head speak.

"You are safe here." It said. 


"We are the wildlife. You can talk to us through your telepathy and Geokenesis." The voice spoke again.

"What?" The young girl spoke, confused as to what was happening. It had been a long time since she had been outside, if she ever had been. She couldn't remember.

"You needn't worry about that right now. Look behind you." Another voice spoke, sounding more feminine than the last.

The young girl turned to see a large tree trunk with a door on it.

The young girl turned to see a large tree trunk with a door on it

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"This can be your home. It used to belong to someone much like yourself, they preferred the solitude of nature and so they built this home but they are gone now and it can be your home. It'll keep you safe. No one ever comes this deep into the woods." The feminine voice spoke.

The young girl walked up to the door and went to open it when the male voice spoke again. 

"What is your name?" He asked.


"What do people call you?" He clarrified.

"Zero." She said.

"That is no name for a young girl such as yourself." He said, sounding disgusted that she had been called a number.

"How about Ivy. Like the plant." He suggests.

"Ivy." The young girl says with a smile on her face. She had found somewhere she can be safe.

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