Chapter 57

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3rd POV:

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3rd POV:

They boys find a ladder and they climb up to the air vent. Steve takes the grate off because Dustin said he might be able to fit inside.

"Flashlight." Steve says while the screwdriver is in his mouth. "Thank you." He says when Dustin passes it to him and Steve hands Dustin the screwdriver.

Steve turns the flashlight on and looks in the vent. "Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know if you can fit in here. It's, like...uh super tight."

"I'll fit. Trust me. No collar bones, remember?" Dustin says.

"Uh, excuse me?" Robin says, not knowing that about Dustin.

Steve jumped off the ladder and answered Robin for Dustin as he was climbing up the ladder.

"Oh, he's, uh... Yeah, he's got some disease. Chry, uh...It's chrydo, um..." Steve tries to remember so Ivy finishes it off for him.

"Cleidocranial dysplasia." Ivy says for him.

"Yeah, that. He's missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo."

"You mean Gumby." Robin corrects.

"I'm pretty sure it's Gumbo." Steve says.

"Steve, just shut up and push me!" Dustin shouts down.

"Okay. I'll push ya." Steve says, moving to the ladder to push Dustin by his feet.

While they were doing that Ivy's mind was elsewhere. She knew that Dustin wouldn't fit and she could think of the perfect person to fit. She had quite the attitude and a love for ice cream. Ivy just needed her to turn up like she always does.

When Ivy comes out of her head she sees Steve shoving Dustin in and then Dustin shouts. "Touch my butt! I don't care! Come on! Harder! Push harder!"

"I'm pushing!" Steve says but it wasn't working.

Just like magic the girl Ivy was thinking of appeared. Ivy tapped Robin's shoulder and pointed to Erica just as she started to ring the bell.

"She'll fit." Ivy says and the two girls share a smile as Erica spams the bell.

"Ahoy, sailors! Ahoy, all hands on deck! Ahoy!" Erica says and she rings the bell.

Ivy and Robin go out of the break room and run to the counter where Erica was, getting weird looks in return.

"I want the strawberry as a taster." She says.

"Actually, If you do this thing for us you can have any ice cream you want. Full size." Ivy bargains.

"What's this thing?" Erica asks.

"We need you to climb into a vent." Robin says.

"What?" Erica says, not believing them.

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